Will you please consider alternatives in addition to subscription models? A subscription model works great for those who will play every month. There are others of us who might play sporadically - maybe get busy with life and not touch it for 3 months, then play daily for the next month. Knowing that I have to pay for those unused months is a huge turnoff (and for me, means I'll probably never leave RS2014, or when I do, l will look first at other online learning systems with a straight purchase offer).
Here are two possible alternatives:
- Offer a "VIP Lifetime Purchase" for a flat rate. If you are unsure about giving this option, dip your toe in by offering this as a limited time presale-only offer.
- Configure your subscription billing so people are only billed in months where they log into RS+ (or maybe, login for some period, say 4+ minutes). Yes, that will impact your model of steady, repeat revenue, but it will also bring in a lot of people like me who won't otherwise subscribe your product. In other words, you have way more top-line potential, with the variable (monthly utilization) being something largely in your control - just be sure it's a compelling, quality product that makes us all choose to log in every month.