Original Post — Direct link

Any help in resolving this issue be highly appreciated. I am stuck in one of the DZ East Check Points, and as soon as I press the map button to load the map, the game crashes. my game crashes, and if I exit the checkpoint to DZ, I am spawned back into the same checkpoint, I am unable load the map or leave DZ East checkpoint. I am only encountering this issue with my first character, all other three characters have no such issues. I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled Division 2 / WONY from scratch in the hopes of resolving this issue but no luck. Please see the attached screenshots for more info. I would highly appreciate it if you can help me resolve this issue, please.

Console: Xbox series S

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @DivAgentOne, sorry for the delay in responding to your thread here.

If you are still running into this crashing issue, can you record a short video using your console's media sharing feature of what happens when you attempt to leave the checkpoint normally? If you can record the video, upload it to YouTube and share a link to it in a reply to this post.

Also, are you able to interact with the social features of the game from that checkpoint? If so, would it be possible for you to have a friend invite you to a mission that would move you out of the checkpoint without having to open the map? If you can test this, please let me know if it allows you to escape this crashing cycle.