Original Post — Direct link

Re: [Weekly projects exotic caches not received](/topic/131586/weekly-projects-exotic-caches-not-received)
Similar issue happened to me, like what is described in the topic linked above.

I play on PC, WIndows 11. As i had recently returned to game, i checked rewards, and since the simplest ways to get something nice are projects, i am sure there were three projects which would reward exotic cache (i am writing this, since in previous topic there is comment, that weekly project does not reward exotic cache, and i have no way of checking or proving what the rewards were as i have it completed that project now). The 3 projects were were 30 floors of Summit, bunch of donations and do activities, missions and emotes with players. I finished donations project easily and received exotic cache. After that i aimed to complete project which required activities with other players. Last objective i needed to complete for this project was to play mission with players. I did matchmaking from one of the safehouses, got matched into another players session and we completed the mission. I did not notice if i had project completion blings on interface. The session owner player left the session, however i went back remember where they would go). After that I found the thread linked above, and tried relogging, waiting 24 hours and clearing checkpoint, nothing helped, i still didn't get the cache.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Nesamin thanks for getting in contact with us about your ongoing project progress and rewards.

If I understood this correctly, you attempted 3/3 projects and received an exotic cache for x1 project, but no cache rewards for the other two projects that you completed?

If you remember the exact date when you attempted these projects, please get in touch with us over the following link which will allow us to check the cache rewards and any missing cache rewards on your account >>
Ubisoft Email/Live Chat > https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact

When you contact us please let us know link this thread in the comments box and let us know the date you attempted the projects. If you have any in-game footage that shows you attempting or completing these projects, please send it to us too to help our investigation.