Original Post — Direct link

Hi, i received quest to scout east dz, i did that quest after hitting 30 doing NY and going back, i got to dz used the thing on the wall, gate opened and i entered dz, quest dissapered and is done in journal, i didn't get any other dz recon quest, i read that i can join lobby with someone who has those qyuest done and unlock it by going in, i didt that and it worked for 2 days, now its locked again and i am just getting frustrated. Happy New Year

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hello @Haashu

Just so I can get a better idea of what you're running into, can you take a screenshot of what happens when you try to enter the east DZ now?

If you join someone with the DZ open at this point, are you able to enter it?