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There are so many different items to level up in The Division 2, especially when you have 4 different characters. The drop rate for Exotic Components simply is not high enough and most people that still play the game do not have enough hours in the day to farm for them.

Personally, I get anywhere between 0-5 Exotic Components when I get a chance to play your game. 75 Exotic Components to max out one weapon and 35 for each piece of gear is a bit too much. My recommendation is to increase or adjust the drop rate for Exotic Components ONCE AGAIN in the Open World, the Countdown, and in the Dark Zone and/or DROP the NUMBER of required Exotic Components to maximize each item.

It would take exactly 660 exotic components if you wanted or needed to maximize just one loadout of, 6 pieces of gear, 3 weapons, 2 skills and your specialization selection. Not to mention needing an addition 35 to 75 Exotic Components for any different variation of one piece or type of gear.

One other issue is the large jump of 10 Exotic Components to 20 to get to from level 20 to 21 on your weapons and skills, the feedback I get from most players if not all is, what's going to happen when you add more weapons to the game and the new level cap in Expertise is at 22 or higher? are we going to have to cough up an additional 30-40 Exotic Components to get to level 22 on each weapon and piece of gear? Can or will these numbers be adjusted in the near future?

I can't wait to see what you Ladies and Gentlemen have in store for us. Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there! As this thread is more of a feedback item than a problem that we can directly assist with I'm gonna shift this thread over to the general discussions area. That is the best place for us to collect player feedback!