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First off I want to thank the squads that actually engage my friend and I in PVP this morning before the maintenance. It's was the first time in D2 that the fights were actually a rush and reminded me of old time.

1st time in normalized DZ:
My friend and I went rogue on another group of 2. Was a pretty short fight. We flagged up right in front of them but I guess we still kinda caught them off guard because they didn't seem ready to fight.
They dropped loot so we waited for them to return to pick it back up, unfortunately our timer expired before they got there.
Once they got there they had 2 more people in their group. Now as a 2v4 we still dropped them without too much of a challenge. We moved to a better spot to wait for the next engagement. They came back much more aggressive this time. While fighting them another squad of 2 came up behind us so we quickly turned to fight the guys that had the jump on us. During that ambush my friend got knocked down. The squad of 4 quickly pushed us while I picked him up. He got up and we downed 3/4 of the guys. Since 2 of them were still behind cover where their last member us up, we quickly rushed hin to finish the group off. We went to get the manhunt to lvl3 then call it off.
Those 2 squads started running together and kept wanting us to go rogue again so we did. Now as a solid 2v6 we got another manhunt to lvl 3 and called it off. After 2 manhunts off of a group of 6, we gave them the chance to go rogue on us. They wouldn't so we ended up leaving to go to the ODZ.

2nd great PVP in the ODZ.
After clearing a landmark the 2 of us were gathering our loot and discussing the stupidity of the NPC movement(running 600mph away from us backwards).
A 3 man squad ambushed us with a volley of grenades and killed us. We quickly ran back to try to engage them after we responded. They were nowhere to be found. Guess they didn't want a "fair" fight. After a few minutes we found them in another landmark all spread out so we picked them off 1 by 1 and recovered our loot plus theirs.
Both of us have full bags decided to go extract. They showed up there to fight(as we planned for them to) and the 3 of them were killed pretty quickly. Decided to go restock at a CP. The 3 of them were right next to it and started shooting at us from down the street. We moved up cover to cover slowly to get a better position. The 1 player that we noticed was the more tanky of the 3 rushed so we focused him down then moved in on the other to and killed them. They were nowhere to be found after we restocked.

Spent about 30 more minutes clearing some more landmarks without noticing anyone else around. At our extraction a new squad of 4 rushed us. I got downed while placing my bag on the rope. My friend downed the player that got me and then quickly picked me back up(love that DZ perk).
We engaged the 3 that were left and killed them.
On our way to the CP to look at our loot they ambushed us with turrets and a pretty good held position. We were stuck in a street, not much cover, very open on our backside and an active landmark to our left. We fought them while fighting the NPC that would keep moving in on our flank at the same time. This squad as the best one that we faced during our DZ run this morning. Movement was pretty ok, had good builds too. They just didn't work that well together as a squad.
We continued to fight from our bad position. Only good thing about our spot was if they wanted to flank they had to either spawn at the CP down the street behind us or move through the landmark beside us. They never tried to flank. We kept fighting for about 5 minutes. 1 of us would get downed sometimes but they wouldn't push while we were down so we were able to quickly get back up. Killed them a number of times. With about 1 minute left on the clock for server shutdown they stopped coming. We only had about 100 rounds total left between the 2 of us.

We had a lot of fun this morning. Felt a lot like the old times in D1. Had some pretty good fights. A handful of downs between us but the only deaths where at the time of the ambush where the squad of 3 hit us with a swarm of grenades.
Point of my wall of text is there really IS some good PVP to be had in the DZ/ODZ. It just requires both parties to want to engage for a real fight and be prepared to fight.
about 5 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Glad you had a fun time, RANDOPH!