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Why on EARTH!! do we need to wait for skills to be OFF COOLDOWN before we can swap it out?
It makes no sense to stand around after a mission is done to swap off of the restorer hive and back to somthing else cause we need to wait for all charges to be done.

I know Massive is not supporting the game atm due to not being able to work from home like any other company in the world.
But C'mon Massive....it's not rocket science.
Show some love for the people that still play the game after you guys havent done ANYTHING with the game for what is it? 1 year and half?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@zenasil Hey! As advised by @Noxious81 the cooldown could be abused if you were able to swap it out without waiting.

We are happy to pass on your feedback though.

If you need anything else please let us know.

Thank you.