Original Post — Direct link


I am not sure if I’m missing something or got hit by this https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/101068/two-bridges-shd-cache-missing-4-out-of-5-all-boxes-are-already-opened/25?lang=en-US

But I no longer have any shd cache icon on my map and still missing some caches (7 to be exact) in order to complete some work rojects and open the remaining two loot caches that are available at safe houses

civic center Liberation 3/5
Two Bridges Liberation 4/5
Finantial district 4/5
Battery Park 2/5

I’ve already opened two tech chests at NE and NW safe houses.

Any ideas?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Craota

It is possible that you are experiencing the same issue described in that thread, but until we confirm that I'm going to keep this thread separate from that one.

Can you visit each of the 5 SHD Cache locations in Two Bridges and take a screenshot so that we can see that each one is open?