Now, I'm no game developer and can't speak for all the intricacies in detail but I know that just because you create some part of software it doesn't mean that you can predict at all times how this software will behave when you change things around. And change is necessary.
Noone has implied that. But if you are making a game with several teams world wide, and for more than 3 years you can't get certain issues under control, I'd say maybe you are biting off more than you can chew.
But of course that perspective is not very Ubisoft and probably not even a consideration at Massive. Everything always needs to be bigger and bigger, even when that means that the engine slowly but surely falls apart like the Springfield Monorail.
Yes, we are the people that produce it and in the end we have to fix it. It doesn't mean that it's easy or that we put faulty things into the game on purpose.
Again, noone has said or implied that, so can we please stop these straw man arguments?
It essentially boils down to the same message as above, you've created a monster that you just can't control anymore. But instead of letting this be a lesson to you for the next game, I would already bet some money on The Division 3 having the exact same issues again.
The explanation on why some things require more time, like with the Reviver Hive, is meant to illustrate the process and that detailed feedback from players is much appreciated.
Let's be honest, it's PR. Him, you, your community managers, you all communicate with us (or not) because it's your job, and in a corporation like Ubisoft noone goes around and decides "Hey, I feel extra transparent today, and want the players to know a thing or two!" Communication is a part of your marketing strategy, and so was this piece on the reviver hive. By the way we are not only talking about the reviver hive, the support station has had the exact same issue since the launch of the first game.
But let me guess, that's a totally different issue that just looks identical to the uninformed player? Chris, we are talking about almost 3.5 years at this point, when can players of your game expect basic functions like a skill to work reliably? Any ETA on that? Or save it as a selling point for TD3?
In terms of the hit registration issue: We made some improvements with today's maintenance, let us know if you're seeing any more of these extreme circumstances where none of your bullets are registering. We saw that in most videos players also had a poor connection to the host, so if you are seeing that message and the bullet behavior let us know!
I don't play the game anymore, at least not until it's in a fully functional state with all of its flawed systems repaired (i.e. never). I was sticking with you guys for more than 2 years on the first game, offering more than 2k forum posts of feedback and suggestions. I just can't do this shit anymore because it's basically a wasted effort if nothing ever really improves, or if it does, just comes back as yet another regression with the next update.
I doubt that this issue will ever be really fixed or addressed, especially not when you are lowkey blaming it on the player connection.