Original Post — Direct link

This issue first started occurring when the Sledgehammer talent was introduced into the game.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Play Dark Hours raid (normal)
  • On the 3rd boss (Buddy/Lucy) use a weapon with either Sledgehammer or Perfect Sledgehammer talent
  • Throw a grenade onto either Buddy or Lucy

Expected results: Sledgehammer debuffs the NPC so they take on more damage

Actual results: Buddy/Lucy won't die

Temporary solution: Everyone wipes, restarts the fight, and avoids the use of Sledgehammer

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @AlpineBrisket, and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

In order to get this reported to the Team, please record a video of the entire Buddy/Lucy fight where you use the Sledgehammer talent, so that we can see what you mean by they "won't die"