Original Post — Direct link
This past week, I don't know if it's an update or something, but this game has been ridiculous, it would crash at random moments, and sometimes when it crashes, my whole PC freezes up. It wasn't always this way, it used to be just fine maybe more than a month ago. I'm playing it on PC, and in case it matters, here's my specs:

CPU: i5-7600k
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1080
Ram: DDR4 32GB (two different brands are being used, but the same voltage and speed are here)
Monitor: 1440p 120hz

Yeah, I was playing today, and I had to reset my computer more than 6 times today, and that's not even an exaggeration. Normally I wouldn't trip as it would happen once I finish a mission, but this time, I was almost done doing the tidal basin invasion solo, and then the game crashed right as I arrive at the final segment. Solo, that mission took me longer than it normally did, so of course it would piss me off.

What the hell is going wrong with this game? First the challenges not working, the game crashing repeatedly, etc. Is there going to be a fix for this stuff at all? or are we screwed?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
If you're still unable to play, particularly after following some of the advice in this thread... Please reach out to Ubisoft Support and they'll do their best to help you find a solution.