almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thanks for the reply @acika84 and thank you for sharing your experiences of playing the game lately, error codes you have encountered as well as some mechanics you've not enjoyed.

We do actually have a new creative director for the game who has recently joined us and you can follow them here on Twitter if you'd like to be notified of news and updates for the game >

As for the error codes you have experienced, we have a list of them here which details their common causes >

If you'd like to seek further help for these error codes, you are welcome to contact us about this where we can check your ISP and NAT for any underlying issues, over this link >

However if you more so wanted to voice your concern over these error codes and experiences you have had in the game and do not wish to further try and troubleshoot these error code issues, then that is understandable and has been noted!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

No worries acika84 keep in touch with us and let us know when this happens again and what error code appears. If there are any unusual ones not contained in our 'error codes' list we can ask our QA team to look into them too to try and find out what is causing them. In the meantime, take care of yourself friend.