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Police megnum not showing from the inventory I tried all to build it up but not working please help me ASAP... Thank you

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @A1_Sol-3UK and @DeadShot0908

I'm going to go ahead and get this reported up to the team. If you run into any other Exotics that don't list the High-End gun you need for them as being available while you're holding one in your inventory or stash, please let me know!

Edit: While I wait to hear back from the team, if either of you had the Police Magnum replica equipped while you were trying to craft a Regulus, could you try it again without the replica being equipped? Having a copy of the required weapon equipped has caused an issue with crafting a few other exotics in the past, and it's an easy thing to test 🤠

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Momotubbies and @DeadShot0908, sorry about my delay in responding here.

We're still working in replicating this on our side of things. The team has asked me to confirm that neither of you have the 686 Replica favorited, but it looks like Momo does not have it favorited at all in these screenshots. I'll get this information added to the investigation.

Also, the reason the team will always request some of the basic troubleshooting is that we receive a very large number of incoming support tickets, and the vast majority of them can be resolved with client-side troubleshooting. For an issue like this, the basic troubleshooting is just base-covering as part of an information collection process.