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HI my game keeps crashing every 5 to 10 mions whats going on
almost 6 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link

Hey there guys. Sorry to hear you're experiencing connectivity issues.
Make sure you're checking your routers, as well as trying to reconnect it.

If that still does not work, make sure to submit a ticket to Ubisoft Support.

- Scottie

almost 4 years ago - UbiT00n - Direct link
Is this happening to you on PC?
about 3 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
There won't be a fix from the developers for your individual problem unless it turns out to be a game bug. But as the game has not changed since June last year, that seems very unlikely to be the issue here.

That error log shows some issues that should be fixed in 1.4.4 , so let's do a clean reinstall:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.

- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.
- start the game with no mods active and test with a new campaign - NOT with any existing one

If that doesn't help please send in new log files, plus DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.  
over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Please do a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.
- start the game with no mods active and test

In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.

**File Locations on Mac OS X**
The executable and DLC folder are in Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Crusader Kings III/
To see it go to the Finder, hit command-shift-G (ie Go To) and type in ~/Library/ .
The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are in /Users/USER/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III/ .

If those don't help:
DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log exceptions.log  
over 2 years ago - /u/Kendja - Direct link

do you do anything specific before crash happens? Do you have premium?

how long the game usually run before crash?

over 2 years ago - /u/Kendja - Direct link

Originally posted by PhooduXbox

nope nothing specific happens. my phone gets pretty hot though when i play the game. I do have premium and i don’t know how long it lasts before it crashes. maybe a few minutes

How big is the map and how many creatures in the world? When the game crashes

over 2 years ago - /u/Kendja - Direct link

Originally posted by Kendja

How big is the map and how many creatures in the world? When the game crashes

Can you make a screenshot too maybe of your world

over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I'm afraid your nVidia GTS 250 video system is well below the published minimum requirement, the Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 660 (2GB) . And its driver has had no updates since 2016, well before this game came out. The CPU is also below requirements.

Unless you have access to a machine with supported hardware for this game, I suggest you seek a refund from where you bought it.

Sorry for the bad news!