Original Post — Direct link

Speed hacking, shooting through walls, please enforce banhammer, guys watch level is over 200k video [Redacted]

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @ViperStriked,

If you have encountered a cheater or a toxic player in-game please use the 'Report A Player' tool in-game.
This will flag that player's account to us and give us the match details, which help us locate the player and check the reports on their account.
If you were unable to use the in-game Report A Player tool, and you have video evidence of hacking/cheating/DDOS attacks in the game, please send this to us privately over the following link, with the date and time the incident occurred, player name, and regional server >> https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact
We do not allow 'naming and shaming' or posting cheat videos in our forum in case of false accusations, please instead send us this information privately on the link above, thank you.