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Yes i know there are many of these but this one is mine.

I dont feel like explaining myself, but i will say the story missions feel fine solo maybe even a tad to easy but other then those nearly everything else just feels far to daunting to undertake solo and its not about challenge for me, nearly all of my deaths have felt cheap and pissed me off.
These were not Souls games deaths, i cannot improve anymore, my aim and situational awareness good or bad is what it is and yet i have died more in D2 then any other single player shooter i have played and im just about to hit 14 hours.
For me at least i think the biggest issue with my skill set is trouble hitting moving enemies, and those are often the ones that will end up flanking me to death a few seconds later.
Just cant seem to get enough of a beat on them to reliably hit them in running motion, all while trying not to die from whatever is right in front or best of all flanking on the opposite side.
I understand those with superior skills will not agree and i respect your right to enjoy a challenge, but on the other side of the coin are players like myself struggling to enjoy the game right now as a solo player.
That said it would be nice to have an option to reduce solo difficulty for those of use that cant GIT any GOODER.
Playing this game solo makes me feel angry and thats not really something i do often as i dont enjoy the sensation and so i avoid things, within reason, that cause it.

Thanks for reading.
about 5 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Thanks everyone for your feedback. These threads are always contentious, so let's remember that this is very much a topic where everyone's going to have their own PoV. I'll pass your thoughts along to the team.