Original Post — Direct link
I've heard that devs is thinking about GS600. If they ever increase it, then its going to break everything. What they should have done is increase it to 600 earlier.

Seriously, I have three avatars (players), DPS, DPS/Hybrid Def and Skill build. Each have four or more load-outs. If they decide to go over GS500, then it's over for me. I've spent countless of hours creating my build with the RNG *****!!!!!
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Originally Posted by lair360
The only thing they are trying to do is getting the community more angry (the majority that worked so hard for their gears and char build).
Nope. No one on the dev team is trying to ruin the game, drive people away, get the community angry, or any other form of intentional self-sabotage. Games like The Division 2 may go through changes to difficulty, gear, balance, etc for the betterment of the game - not to personally spite any of the playerbase.