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Which one of the factions would you want to be (from either New York or DC) and why? do you believe in their philosophy or just think they're cool?

In New York I always felt the cleaners were trying to do the right thing, and I even felt bad when I was shooting someone and they would say "i'm just trying to do my job". Burning bodies is the best way to deal with the infected, and, something that always gets ignored in these things, all the diseases that would go along with bodies all over the place.

In DC, tough call. I guess Black Tusk, only because the rest are even more loathsome. I could have said True Sons, but I see them as 2nd ammendment fruitcakes, so I just cant.
over 5 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Originally Posted by Corspa
The guy who places the orange traffic cones upright after some agents run them over so they can run them over again once they left the safehouse.
You'd think he'd be angry that they keep running over the traffic cones, but it actually provides job security.