Original Post — Direct link

After the update at last week (probably 5 July 2022), my division 2 game has suffered low fps to about 40 fps from 60 fps. The situation is the same even if I updated my Nvidia driver, updated Windows10, verified the files of D2 and even re-installed D2.

The win10 Task Manager showed that the CPU is running at 100% when D2 is running, with Ubisoft Connect engaged more than 20% of CPU usage. The problem is such usage still last after D2 is closed. I have to close Ubisoft Connect so as to avoid its after effect. Otherwise, the FPS of any games (non-ubi games) loaded later on could drop significantly as well. I tried disable the in-game overlay, lower the priority of Ubisoft Connect under Task Manager but still in vain.

In addition, there is about 50% of chance the game get stuck at 9% loading and finally get a Delta error. Even if the game is loaded successfully, it could get freeze screen randomly.

Grateful if any official could help, or please revert to the previous version so that i can get my D2 running smoothly as before. Thanks.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @dolpli008 sorry to hear of your recent lower FPS in-game and high CPU usage, but thanks for letting us know what steps you have tried to try and resolve this and improve your performance.

I have a few other suggestions I would like you to try to help resolve this, some of these suggestions may contradict your power plan changes >>

-Check your power options in Windows and set it to High Performance in case of any CPU throttling. Open your Windows Settings, type 'Power Options, select 'Additional Power Settings', then select a High-Performance plan.
Please also try creating a new power plan in these options and set your maximum use of your CPU to 90% or another lower value, this can prevent your CPU from running at high usage, and will make your GPU work harder instead when playing the game, putting less strain on the CPU.
-Open the Task Manager tool on your PC, and look for any running programs other than the game and game launcher. Close down all of these programs, except the game and game launcher, then 'clean boot' your computer, and restart the game to make sure you free up your CPU usage just for the game >
-Test the CPU usage after lowering some settings. In the games menu and your GPU control software, enable Vsync, lower your FPS usage, and lower your graphical preset. Running games on high or ultra with maximum FPS, can cause strain not only on your Vram but CPU too
-Update all your game, game launcher, Windows, graphics card drivers, and peripheral drivers, as updating your drivers may eliminate compatibility issues or bugs that can sometimes cause increased CPU usage
If after running through all of these steps you are still experiencing high CPU rates, please make a private support ticket with us and send us your system files so we can send these to our Siege team for investigation.
 You can contact us here > https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact
Please attach the following information to your ticket to aid us in our investigation >
Dxdiag file > https://ubi.li/msrxL
Msinfo file > https://ubi.li/lmiCE