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Right now the words to describe skill builds is horrible , not viable , dissappointing . Right at the get go the developers are against skills builds and automation meaning less work and damage from skills and more work for the player to do, having to aim turret and seeker needs to be manually aimed etc. I understand they want more player input but manually aiming stuff vs i rather shoot the enemy, i would pick the latter and then when players found out having fun with skill builds using extreme radius and spamming heals which is NOT gamebreaking and require the player to actually still play the game the developers destroy it.

Honestly able to continue spamming heals on a control point 4 may not guarantee a win. Spamming a oxidiser or firetstarter although helps but does not guarantee a win too, bear in mind your damage from gun is weak and have very low survivalbility which means you can and will get 1 shotted by an npc using a shotgun 30 meters away ( exaggeration ) but being 1 shotted is a real possibilityhaving little to no armor as all resources are poured into skill power and cooldowns.

What is wrong with skill builds? They do little gun dps and have very low survivalbility , 1 shotting mobs with a cooldown is not ok but 1 shotting gunplay is totally fine?

To the people actually saying skill are fine now , they
1) do not play with skills and is gunplay dps person
2) have no idea what they are talking about
3) do not want skill builds to be viable
4) trying to be funny and like to generally disagree

Skills are what makes this game unique else its just another normal game, when you fight a hunter without any skills what is the hunter? a normal useless npc, what makes hunter fearful is their cool skills which what the division agent is. Why do the developers destroy something further that is already broken instead of fixing it. Nerfing skill power requirements then nerfing skill mods after, you might as well not nerf it at all since they are equal in the endl if that is what the developers thinks.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
I appreciate you guys all sharing your thoughts on the skill power overhaul. How do you feel skill builds will be impacted in end game play? Or in solo vs. group contexts?