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ISAC, really?? We have this very powerful SHD Tech called ISAC. So since this tech is so powerful and awe-inspiring, what can't the damn thing direct you to an objective with at least 95% accuracy? I spend far too long looking for a hostage situation or what may have you, and this "Superior" tech is no better than google map back in 2011. (I think they had google map back then) and what year does this story takes place? I have gotten to a point where I just let people die because "ISAC" is incapable of giving me a direct path in saving the said hostage. I'm no longer going to put up with the frustration of having this tech guide me anywhere. If I'm unable to locate it, blame the death of innocent people on the head of ISAC.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Originally Posted by eskimosound
HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey...Dave, Russians Near By Dave...
I can't be the only one who would want an unintelligible Scottish man yelling at me where to go, right?

I typically run into ISAC navigation issues with ledges or some of the more vertical sections... not usually when maneuvering through the streets. Like AgentSyn showed us through the screenshot, what are some of the most ridiculous directions ISAC has sent to you?