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So I am sure this has been talked about a lot, and I am sure people are tired of hearing about it on here. But out of my own personal frustration, I just have to make a post anyways. I didn't have the opportunity to play the division 1, but after a lot of hesitation a friend talked me into trying the second one and I have to say that I am really enjoying the game. I love the progression aspect combined with a shooter, and the min-maxing/grind element of games generally holds my interest for a long time. However, it doesn't feel rewarding in the slightest trying to optimize your character in this game. If you look at the amount of RNG involved in getting the correct slot piece to drop, on top of having the right brand name, the right number/color combination, the right rolls, the right talents, the right number of talents, the right level...I mean it really goes on. It'd be like winning the lottery getting one perfectly optimized piece to drop, and you need six of them. Then on top of that, you have huge variance on the damage rolls of guns. It has been over 3,000 item drops since my last P416. So on top of getting one of these things to drop, I need to get a good damage roll and hope for two out of the three talents I want. I've literally sold or deconstructed thousands of items over the past two weeks seeing no upgrades, and my build isn't even close to optimized. On top of this, it seems like with the next patch they are killing basically every current build in the game, so we all have to start over. Please add a more targeted way for players to obtain the loot they want. I don't mind grinding for it, but there needs to be an end in sight. I've seen a number of solutions on here, such as expanding the versatility of the extremely limited re-calibration station for increased costs (maybe adding a new rare currency that only drops on heroic so heroic is actually worth doing), or linking certain item drops to specific missions on a rotating schedule (last boss on x mission is guaranteed to drop an assault rifle for example). Obviously it should still be hard to obtain some of the best gear in the game. But the current system is just disgusting in terms of what they are asking. You could invest every hour out of every day into this game, and still not find a piece you are looking for. That, in my opinion at least, is a major problem.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Loot drops and RNG have definitely been a hot topic... How do you feel segmenting certain loot to certain bosses, like you mentioned, might impact which activities you play? Particularly if it was more all-encompassing, such as each faction having 4-5 Brands and 2-3 weapon types that they might drop, but nothing from outside of those?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Originally Posted by mckrackin5324
If you gate a highly desired piece of gear to a specific activity,then that activity gets played to death and becomes the most hated thing in the game. I'm looking at you Larae Barrett.

There needs to be a chance to get everything everywhere if you want the whole game to be played.
But if the highly desired piece of gear is gated behind a specific activity that is the entire game - along with all other loot - the chance for any one individual thing (let alone a good or god roll of it) becomes ever smaller. How do you feel what you're talking about might apply if the scale is expanded? Or do the pros outweigh the cons?