[1] KARD-45 pistol grip motion modeling bug on female character
-correct grip when male character using KARD-45
-side grip hand's pinger penetrate main grip hand and pistol when female character using KARD-45
side grip hand modeling need to be moved little outside
[2] GR-9 magazine fixed to weapon
-GR-9's magazines are not removed when reloading it
also magazines are not in the hand
[3] gloves modeling bugs on female character
-many of gloves have flesh clipping glitch on their modeling on female character
[4] Mirror gloves can't be colorized with full camo on female character
-modeling bug
[5] pathfinder shirt apparel modeling bug on female
-left arm flesh clipping
using male and female character both, but i wonder why female character has more bug on modeling
might female character's apparel used male modeling's resource with not changing them to fit female character's form
hope this can be fixed