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Let me list the ways...with no 1 being the inspiration for the post.

1. Nuking generic mods entirely in TU4?

Seriously? So...you put something in the game and OF COURSE those with the desire to learn how to max out potential do so, especially since launch the devs have done nothing but REDUCE offensive power...mind you all while saying things like "best defense is good offense." (Paraphrased)

This is available TO. ALL. PLAYERS. So it's not an exploit...it just takes time and the luck of RNG to accomplish. You have sh$t on those of us who gave your game more of our time in things we may not have wanted to do (but HAS A REWARD for the effort and thus a potential "i feel good about my build" moment for players who worked for that extra damage vs the hopes dopey loot grind cycle that currently exists) in order to counter the continual process of running our offense potential into the ground save pushing us into niche categories (where you STILL are nerfing those) where survivability is non-existent due to the time to kill from top tier enemies.

Who is complaining about generics? Yet here you are moving beyond a nerf (which you already did) to total elimination. Unbelieveable.

2. Loot

Knowing generics will be gone...and knowing we NEVER see gear with max stats or arrangements we can use to roll to damage (will be even more important since you are killing generics used to supplement the lack of offensive power) what is the point anymore?

I haven't seen ONE post talking about the lack of maxed attribs or the loot RNG in general. All I've seen is "vendors should be dropping gear close to yours" and other HILARIOUS remarks around loot that dont represent the reality of current SOTG as no vendor I've seen has EVER come close to proving me anything of value, thus pushing me back into the erroneous loot grind that ultimately results IN NOTHING.

3. Gear Sets.

THEY ARE TERRIBLE. Not only that...you introduce 3 new ones with only ONE being somewhat viable (and it's bugged apparently), tied behind content that in practice isn't available for the majority of your base, and FORCES YOU into a specialization tree (since nobody really runs them for weapons right?) you may not want to use.

Div 1 was about gearsets and roles in a team. Diversity was the requirement to success as you could actually stack DPS into a couple players and fill out the team with support (crit tactician and a healer).

Div 2 has scrapped all of that...and YOU DONT have a way to fix it since the underlying foundation of the game is damage from main weapons with skills as powder puff cliches of support. You've nerfed damage talents and pushed them into low survivability extremes, while any player that specs into skills to try and compensate to provide relief suffers from moving away from the REQUIRED damage foundation, thus increasing their potential to be smacked down while basically moving their responsibility of that offensive requirement to players who can't even really spec into high damage anyway like we could with strikers before.

4. Bugs 'a plenty.

How many times have we had the NPC bully bug now? Change one thing...break another. Audio bugs are back.

Not that I care because the spam was always infuriating...but you attempt to fix your bully bug and now BT droners send no drones. You know some of your players have builds that get their buffs off popping those right? Meh...screw 'em I guess. The priority is ELIMINATING those generics available to everyone that nobody is really griping about.

5. LACK of actions in line with community want/feedback.

I really can't stress how eliminating the generics proves to me that devs are on their OWN mission completely separate from the community. Who is really complaining about this? Are you SERIOUSLY griping about a guy that worked his way to an extra 10,15 % wrapon damage...maybe an extra 8% crit chance or 12% headshot damage? It's ridiculous. The only way to build now will be ONE of these categories. You can have high crit chance but it won't do you any good because your base damage will be crap. You can have higher damage but it won't do you any good because IT ISNT HIGH ENOUGH ANYWAY and you'll get smacked down by powerful enemies who can wipe you thanks to having to forgo ANY survivability by stacking into damage. Loot sucks to the point where you'll never see max attributes to push to these "builds" (using that word makes me LoL now) to their extremes....and even if you could doing so makes you pay a heavy price in terms of not meeting the foundational requirement of the game which is the ability to do damage.

Members have tried to provide valuable feedback...and its EXTREMELY EASY to go through the forum and tell what feedback is constructive, realistic analysis based on those who want to provide a better, deeper experience and work for reward system vs those who gripe and whine because they get smacked down by players who learn the game and how to use it's mechanics to become successful.

It boggles my mind how the solution is always nerf or elimination of something players are using to work around flatlining offensive power with a game that's basic foundation IS and HAS TO BE damage. "Oh man players are using generics because we've nerfed everything else or provided a system that RESTRICTS damage potential when reaching for the damage talents WE ALREADY NERFED."

"Yeah. Better just get rid of those instead of buffing other talents and increasing their utility. Let's make every player flatline equal and limit the damage ceiling overall. Missions will take longer and we still have our terrible loot RNG that provides little to now reward....they'll have to stay in the game for HOURS!!"

You are literally paying some dude as a community manager right? Where does the game fall in line with community feedback again?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
I'll be closing this thread since it has been a toxic flamewar almost since the very beginning. Please try to discuss the game while being respectful to your fellow forum members. Name calling, insults, belittling others, etc contribute nothing meaningful to the conversation and only serve to derail the thread. Also, just so it has been said, no, the Developers do not want to kill this game - nor are they trying to.

Thank you!