Original Post — Direct link

Hello, I am currently level 30. After finishing a side mission in the west I decided to check my map and every control point east of the White House plus the control points in the West Potomac were "red" again, as if they were recaptured or I had never done them. Now, I have heard about control points getting taken over by factions, but I lost almost everything AT THE SAME TIME. Plus, the main missions icons are light blue again, as if I need to do them, but I have already done them.

Is this a bug? Can anybody help?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Ray - Direct link

Hello there, @relentless987 and @dagrommit! I apologize for the issues you have encountered with your map @relentless987 and I greatly appreciate your suggestions so far @dagrommit. To clarify, are you using multiple characters while playing through The Division 2? Also, do you remember the name of the side mission that you completed in the west, so that we can investigate this issue further?