Monday 7/6 and Tonight 7/7 my clan was running Dark Hours for EB's. Yesterday I had no issues keeping the drones under control. Tonight though after the grate and grenade throw the drones come out. One pulse jammer would not kill the drones but they would have 0 life. I would have to pulse jammer, drop hive to reset pulse jammer, then pulse jammer again and then pick up hive. Then we would get swarmed by the next wave when we go into dps because I would have to wait 10 seconds to drop hive again. One pulse jammer would kill that wave like normal but 1 or 2 of the group would die.
I run 4 piece Hard wire (chest and backpack), BTSU gloves and Wyvern knee pads. All pieces have max skill damage expect BTSU gloves which doesn't have any.
I run 4 piece Hard wire (chest and backpack), BTSU gloves and Wyvern knee pads. All pieces have max skill damage expect BTSU gloves which doesn't have any.