Original Post — Direct link

делал всё и игру удалял снова загружал и дерективы убирал сново делал так и нехочет обратно в вашинктон у меня просто три аккаунта на HC XBOX PS4 не хочу разочероваться в вас что мне делать

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@Gabriel-Knight Many thanks for providing a translation !

@Bes198332 Sorry to hear that the Issue impacts your experience !

The fast-travel problem with directives is under investigation by the Team.

Regarding the fact that the Issue happens without directives on, can you let us know if it still happens after checking the steps of our dedicated PC troubleshooting guide ?

This will help isolate the problem, and is an important part of the investigation.

Feel free to let us know if you have questions, or reach out to us directly via our Help website if you prefer !