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I've have the pleasure to announce a 100% SnowCar event on TM2020. Snow Of The Week, I guess you have it. It's COTD but on Snow and once per Week.

I know there is not a lot of "ClownCar" lovers there but if you want to practice a bit of snow on good maps this is the right place. :)

SOTW will take place each Sunday at 20:00h CET. 15 min of qualifications then a knockout phase. A test event will occurs this Sunday: 21.01.24 at 22:15 CET. You are more than welcome to test the servers with us so we spots the issues before we spread the official event! We'll launch officials events when the map-pool is ready.

Register from the Airven Club in TM2020 before the qualifications. Each events will be named like this: SOTW 21.01.24. 

Map submissions:
Send your Snow maps to Boom, then he will prioritize your map in the map-pool with the help of wormi and lolomax. They are reachable in this discord: https://discord.gg/E5SQxF7D

Guidelines are likely the same as COTD:-
Easy to discover and finish.
- Not too difficult at the beginning, as most TM2020 players are not used too the SnowCar yet.
- Every CPs should be double-respawnable.
- Length: aim to ~45s.- To keep it simple for now: only 100% Snowcar maps.
- Map should be fresh and not popular (players < 10). 

Additional informations:
Our discord if you need more informations or reach the admins: https://discord.gg/E5SQxF7D


External link →
11 months ago - /u/TonaTM - Direct link

Great idea!