almost 4 years
ago -
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The Trackmania Grand League Winter 2021 season is over!
We just finished up the TMGL, and now its time to conclude this Winter 2021 edition. Congratulations to CarlJr for his third consecutive crown, Pac for the incredible season, Scrapie for the comeback, and Mudda for his first appearance in the leagues top 4. A special congratulations to all of the other players, as the level of this edition was particularly high.
And congratulations as well to the two new young French players who will join the field for the next edition: Worker (16yo) & Binkss (17yo)!
Thank you to all of our spectators who are growing in number and watch the TMGL with so much passion!
Many thanks to all of the streamers who connect champions and viewers: Sardoche, Kameto, Lutti, Chap, Wakz, Nekrua, Alfadream, Wingobear, Kiroko, Xewer, Pacifae, Cousin, TrilluXe, fELIXSAn, Yannex, GGeek, Haydon, Turbo, Scotsman, Wirtual, SinasAppel & ZZXQ!
Thank you to all of the TMGL teams for their trust and commitment to the competition: Alliance, Team BDS, BIG, Edelweiss, GamersOrigin, GameWard, GAMINGPRIVE.COM, Grizi Esport, Karmine Corp, Lazarus, Mclaren Shadow, MNM Gaming, Nordavind DNB, Solary & Team Secret!
Thank you all for your contributions to the success of this edition.
See you soon for more Trackmania Esports!