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I'm not reporting any bug here, but just asking if it's possible to change the Author time on Wirtual's map called Midori, which was Track of the Day on the 23rd of July of this year. Indeed, since a recent official post on twitter from the Trackmania account, it has been decided that any use of external software giving an unfair advantage (such as custom limitations of steering) was now considered as cheating. Therefore, since the author time on Midori has been driven with those custom action keys, I think it would be fair to change it to the new "author time" that Wirtual decided to make (without custom AKs) for his competition on this track.
Moreover, the ingame AT has never been driven by Wirtual since he used an openplanet plugin to set it without validating the track in the editor, and it's actually faster by 3 thousandths than the time he really drove with custom AKs. So the AT is not really legitimate at all.
Just to make things more clear, the ingame AT is currently a 44.455 while wirtual only drove a 44.458 before the track was out, and the new AT that is way more legitimate is a 45.573.

Really hope you can do something to solve this issue. Thank you in advance.


over 2 years ago - MrDarrek - Direct link

Hello @Monkey-TM !

Thank you for reporting this. We won't be able to change the author time of the track Midori because:

  • It's already in the Track of the Day and records have been made, it would mean erase everything
  • Only the creator (or one of the creators) can make such a request

If Wirtual thinks it's an absolute necessary to change it's author time with great reasons, then we'll replace the track, but it's not something we do lightly as it changes and can damage the game for a lot players.

Have a great day!

over 2 years ago - MrDarrek - Direct link

Hello @Monkey-TM

Unfortunately, changes to physics might always break old tracks. That's mainly why we have seasons that lock leaderboards. We prefer to look into the future and make a better game, especially with the console releasing in 2023.