over 4 years
ago -
Direct link
This is the penultimate step of the TMGL Season 2! Everything is still possible for players outside of the top 8!
Follow the TMGL STEP 5 with your favorite streamer and champion!
By writing GO “player name” in the streamer’ chat, you will send love to your champion.
English stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-english/
French stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-french/
German stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-german/
Follow the TMGL STEP 5 with your favorite streamer and champion!
By writing GO “player name” in the streamer’ chat, you will send love to your champion.
English stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-english/
French stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-french/
German stream: https://trackmania-grand-league.com/watch-in-german/