almost 4 years
ago -
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Gwen finally scored his first big points of the
season with his step 4 win. The Frenchman
is now 6th in the overall standings while
CarlJr is still leading!
It was a very important step win for Gwen.
The youngest Trackmania Grand League
player had a very rough start to the season
as he was only 15th at the end of the Step 3.
The GameWard player had a very strong Sunday
with 4 map podiums and a stunning victory
on the last track of the Step. Gwen score 59
points and climbed his way to 6th place in
the overall ranking!
CarlJr is still leading the TMGL Winter 2021
regular season. The Canadian had another
very strong performance in this fourth step
with a 2nd place and added 53 more points
to his mark. The Solary player is still ahead
of Pac who won 3 more maps but lots all his
points on the last track of the night. With 2
steps to go, CarlJr and Pac seem almost sure
to be qualified for the Final.
A peak of 41.4k viewers watching the TMGL
has been reached. The German-speaking
community continues to grow and now
represents around 20% of the viewership,
thanks to the streamer TrilluXe.
As every week, test your knowledge about the
previous step with the quiz available here.
The penultimate step will take place
on Sunday, February 21st at 8 PM CET
with two new maps: Arctic Split
& WhirlPool!
Enjoy the Step 4 top 5 highlights on
the TMGL youtube channel.