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Repost from Trackmania News Discord:
Monday - North America Cup "A weekly cup on a brand new map each week.
""NA Cup"" room in the North America club or Live tab.
Map Discovery starts 10 minutes before.
Cup lasts about 30 minutes.
Can be Rounds or Laps depending on the map played."
Discord :
Tuesday - Student Gaming League French student league, organized by Student Gaming League on many games, it is back this year on Trackmania 2020, organized over 4 evenings, it will be broadcast by Nekrua & GGeek respectively in French and in English, do not hesitate to follow the competition!
Wednesday - MGO Winter Trackmania "Moselle Gaming Online is an event created by LANA France in collaboration with the department of Moselle.
MGO WINTER Trackmania is a free tournament open to all. Even if a cash prize of 20 is to be won (maybe 30) the goal of this tournament is to animate the Moselle during the lockdown / curfew. We count on you to stay in the spirit of fun and fair play."
Discord : - Diablo0 Random Championship "DiabloO Random Championship
Season 4 - March, April 2021
Hello everyone, the new season arrives on Trackmania 2020 for the first time!
In this context, some rule adjustments need to be made.
For those who are not familiar with the concept, it's similar to the Slow Learner Cup, otherwise I invite you to look in #drc-1-and-2 or #what-the-cup to get an idea.
The Points modified in the gobal :
- 50 Players maximum per edition! The fastest ones to come will have their places.
- Rhythm of one stage per week, or exceptionally 2, one during the week and one on the weekend.
- 8 editions => Playoffs of 16 players => Final to 8 => End of the season
- Slots every 2 stages, and a cashprice for the top 3 of the season + the best mapper of the season + bonus for the most assiduous players of the season.
- Maps unknown, except the one created by the winner of the previous edition (if he wants)
- If a player plays one of his maps, he does not play the warm-up!
By edition :
- Allocation of points to be modified for 64 participants.
- Point limit for finalist status 350 points / 400 for a special edition.
- 6 maps at the first edition, then 7 maps (winner's map)
- 3 winners to close the edition**, except for a special edition where the organizer can modify this point."
Discord : - * Slow Learner Cup* Here is the SLC, in other words the Slow Learner Cup!
A cup that takes place every Wednesday with a classification by cup but also a quarterly classification.
Cup no train / fast learn
See you at 9 p.m. every Wednesday!
Discord :
Thursday - Afun Cup "After 3 weeks of maps selections : the cup coming with 15 maps known and 5 unknown
Training are available in Just Game's club
Saloon & campaign named ""AFUN Train""
Registration on discord channel named ""Registration""
No prize for winner, draw on participants for give a game."
Discord :
Friday -Sportyx Cup 8 pm The Sportyx Cup is a weekly cup that takes place every Friday at 8pm! A new concept that mix no train, competition and Time Attack!
Yannexs Twitch:
but this might change in the future.
Saturday - *TMX Knockout * The Mania Exchange Knockout is an online competition where the last player to finish each map is knocked out until the winner remains. You can read the full rules here :
and a more detailed explanation of how the competition works. - SmurfsCup Canyon The Smurfscup Canyon is a weekly event in rounds on 7 maps, with 20k planets for the top 10.
Discord: - TMX Knockout The Mania Exchange Knockout is an online competition where the last player to finish each map is knocked out until the winner remains. You can read the full rules here : and a more detailed explanation of how the competition works.
Sunday - The Weekly LOL "The Weekly LOL! Every Sunday starting at 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET we are hosting a weekly lol competition!
- 4 new maps a week
- Cup mode w/finalist (top 3). 420 point total.
- Club to join: The Weekly LOL"
Discord : - NLR Stadium race, 25~35 minutes.
50 laps on a new track every sunday.
Nadeo Stadium or SRE Stadium.
Train opens at 16:00 cet/cest.
Race starts at 18:35.
Individual Leaderboard.
The server is the NRL Events server (requires the use of the SRE titlepack): maniaplanet://#qjoin=nrl2stadiumre@SRE@tm-nascar - Expedition Cup The Expedition Cup
It's held every Saturday evening. The primary target audience is those in the Western Hemisphere. But of course everyone is welcome! The goal is to travel to different parts of Trackmania every week, thus the name.
The cup should last roughly an hour. It will be played in Rounds mode on 5 maps for each edition.
We expect a couple things from participants:
Fair play - if you find an unintended shortcut or reroute, do not use it during the cup.
No foul language, or anything else that may be deemed inappropriate. We want folks to be comfortable letting their kids play the cup.
If you break these rules, you may face a warning, kick, or in the case of repeated offenses, a ban.
When is the cup:
6pm Saturday - Pacific Standard Time (Los Angeles)
9pm Saturday - Eastern Standard Time (New York City)
3am Sunday - Central European Time (Paris)
1pm Sunday - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney)
Where is the cup:
The Expedition Cup server. The server will be opened in the relevant game/title the Monday before, so that players can have several days to learn the maps for that week.
Schedule each month:
Week 1 - TM United Forever
Week 2 - TM2 SingleEnv
Week 3 - TM2 MultiEnv
Week 4 - TM2020
And when there are five Saturdays:
Week 5 - TM2 SingleEnv
SingleEnv can be:
Canyon, Stadium, Valley, Lagoon, TM2Island, TMOneAlpine, TMOneSpeed, or any other TM2 titlepack. Have a titlepack request? Let eyebo know, and we'll see if we can schedule it.
Track styles can be:
Race, Tech, Speedtech, Fullspeed, Speedfun, Nascar, Platform, mRPG, Transitional, Mixed, or anything else we want to play. Track styles may even be mixed within a single cup.
Discord :
Find the necessary information and links above
(times are in CST)
All event organizers for the week from 19/04 to 25/04 must complete this form:
Reminder :
"Green background" = Trackmania 2020
"Blue-White background" = Trackmania²