Original Post — Direct link
1. Can I vote for a track (good, bad, 1-5 stars...)? How?
2. Can I see and download other players replays? How?
3. Why is this game so bad? Nothing is like a tm-stadium? Where is the classically street-block in the editor (not 1 feet high!)?
4. Where are the daily tracks from? Community? How it works?
5. Where can I see author-times?
6. Can I pin up favorate clubs (if I don´t want to be a member in this club)?
7. Can I pin up / download favorite tracks? How?
8. ... many many many questions more - and no answers. not in game and not in this forum.

This is the worst tm-game I´ve ever seen. I know, it´s imposible but: I want my money back...
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Alinoa - Direct link
Hi guys,

Please keep this discussion positive and constructive otherwise we will have to lock the topic.

Here are some answers to your questions:
In the map reviews server you can test maps and vote for maps by giving stars before tracks changes.
The best map of the preview day is showcased in the daily track at 19:00 CEST.
Author times are not displayed like in the campaign.
When you are online, please click on esc to display several menus and you will find how to save maps or replays.
Then you will be able to play the map in local mode for example. The maps will be saved in C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\TrackMania\Maps\Downloaded.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Alinoa - Direct link
Hello HoMaMi,

Some very good pilots which are also streamers as Riolu or CarlJr for only naming them (but I could name many more players) have keys for their viewers. Thanks to this key, their viewers can play against their ghost in the solo campaign.
Riolu for example posted the public key in this stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/670823104
You can't see the ranking of played tracks.
