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CarlJr is the Trackmania Grand League king! The Canadian won his third consecutive TMGL title defeating Pac in the Final 2.
CarlJr managed to claim his third TMGL title. After his success in Winter and Fall 2020 seasons, the Solary player adds the Winter 2021 Edition to his list of achievements! CarlJr already managed to secure the regular season win two weeks ago. For the first time in TMGL history, the regular season winner has been crowned after the final phase!
CarlJrs biggest opponent was Pac. The MNM athlete qualified himself for the Final 6 after only 3 rounds. He did even better in the next match with 2 wins in 2 rounds and an early qualification into the Final 4. Despite this great performance the Englishman was not able to defeat CarlJr at the end of the night, but Pac took home a great 2nd place in this Winter 2021 Edition!
Scrapie took the 3rd place after having qualified from the Final Chance which took place the day before the Final. The Belgian was incredibly fast in the final phase despite a difficult regular season where he finished 13th. For his very first TMGL appearance, Mudda finished 4th. This was an impressive result from the Australian who managed to fight against the best Trackmania players!
For the first time in TMGL history, there were no French players in the final 4. Gwen and Papou were not able to pass the Final 6 phase. Gwen is 5th, Papou 6th. Aurel (7th), Affi (8th) and Bren (9th)were eliminated in Final 9.
The TMGL Winter 2021 season is not over yet! The Head-to-head will take place on Sunday March 21st to know who will play in the next TMGL edition. 4 matches to follow live on Twitch from 6 PM CET: Scrapie vs. evoN, riolu vs. link, GranaDy vs. Worker & Soulja vs. Binkss. 2 Open Grand League players will be promoted and 2 TMGL players will be relegated.