@GlucoseGuardion Hey! There will be a way to get this season's cosmetics at a later date, but we'll share more information on how exactly that will work, closer to Saga 2. 😊
You must take caution near bodies of water... but you can use it to the detriment of your enemies!
@VibeAvenue @CleverPlays @MEGAMIGSFest Ouiiii! 🎉 Merci de donner vie à Midgard avec votre trame sonore envoutante! 🙏
@JudgeGeof 💙
It's really happening... we're introducing bi-weekly streams on our Twitch channel! ⚔️🤩
Join us tomorrow, Oct. 27th at 3:00pm EST, for our FIRST Community stream. Come ask us anything!
Be sure to follow us to be notified when we're live:
@SquiddyHS Hey Squiddy! It's a 50/50 chance when you start the world. 🐺 If you notice it's VERY rarely appearing, do let us know!
Hey Vikings, here's our Week 3 Valhalloween Challenge! 🎃 Time to take home a spooky souvenir...
Defeat 75 Pumpkin Goblins in-game to earn the #Valhalloween portrait! 😈
@theycallmetrip 🔥
Reminder that this is the LAST day to complete this in-game challenge to earn this friendly little pet! 🚨👻
It ends today, Monday October 25th at 8:00pm EST!
Speaking of, here's our Week 2 Valhalloween Challenge! 🎃 This little trick or treater just wants to make friends… or does it? Defeat 50 Val Helthings by October 25th to earn the Little Stranger pet! 👻 https://t.co/VLixMbDkVn
@WolfDragonHugs Fluffy Fang will make one more appearance! 💙 Be sure to check the shop on Halloween. 🙂
Feeling pumpkin-fresh. 🎃
The Headless Norseman Pumpkin head is in the Shop today! Have you picked it up yet? 👻
p.s. we love seeing you tag us in your gear photos 💙
@darlingvito The thumbs-up in the image are actually community driven votes! 😊 They're from our Discord channel "suggest an idea" where anyone can post game suggestions.
⭐️ Shop Highlights! ⭐️
In the shop today you'll find Werewolf tatters, some Werewolf Paws, a Linnorm Hammer and more!
Featured items rotate Monday at 8:00pm EST. 🕑
@cleysonCafe We take a look at that channel often! Will definitely be checking 😊
Did you know? Sending loot to the War Chest when using the Bifröst was a top community suggestion that we ended up implementing in game.
Thanks for always sharing your ideas with us! 💙🙏
@tripleboris @MEGAMIGSFest Merci!! ☺️
@raphxrr Hey! We're sorry this happened, is it possible you could report this to our Support site here so we could further investigate with you? We'd like to get to the bottom of this if possible. 🙏
Nous sommes très fiers de vous annoncer que Tribes of Midgard est nominé pour 3 prix au @MEGAMIGSFest! Soutenez-nous en votant ci-dessous (merci)! 🙏
🏆 Meilleur design de jeu 🏆 Meilleure direction + réalisation artistique 🏆 Prix du Public
✅ Votez:
🏆 Les nominés des Prix MEGAMIGS sont annoncés ! Voyez les finalistes de chacune des catégories 👉Lien dans la bio. Cette année le grand public sera appelé à choisir leur favori parmi tous les finalistes pour le Prix du Public ! Votez pour votre jeu préféré 👉Lien dans la bio https://t.co/SgKj99FYF0