@RoyalTyX101 Linda does 👏 not 👏 care
@Paladin390 @dark_walf @Arekkz Thanks for the region report. We're still looking into it, please stay tuned!
@dieselking69 @Arekkz Hey! We're aware there are still some persisting matchmaking issues where worlds are not being filled. We're currently working on this and it should be fixed today. Thanks for your patience 🙂
@sneavyy Hey! We're aware there are still some persisting matchmaking issues where worlds are not being filled. We're currently working on this and it should be fixed today. Thanks for your patience 🙂
@MoxsyOG Help this is so funny 😭 what did you ever do to the Linnorm 😂
This is a straight up power move from the Linnorm 🐍
Thought I escaped barrel trolls when I swapped over from Borderlands to @tribesofmidgard... https://t.co/tDOnU7xrhc
@Kharrma420 Hey thanks for playing, glad it was fun! ⚔️😄
@Faiaa412 Not that we've heard yet! 👀 There are some rumors in our Discord 😄
@iSleepyyGamerr @Arekkz Haha however you play is perfectly okay! 😄
@EpicNNG @norsfell 💙😭
@Heckorino Got it, thanks. Could you please DM us so we can help? Thanks 🙂
@eca09ll Hey! Which platform are you playing on, and which Mode? Thanks!
@dark_walf @Arekkz Hey! We're still investigating the matchmaking issues and should have them resolved soon. Can I ask which region you're in to help pinpoint the issue?
You don't have to run around in your underpants (unless you want to)? 👀
@Arekkz has a great guide for those just getting started that will equip you with a bit of knowledge! 🙌
NEW VIDEO! Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Tribes of Midgard - 10 Tips to Get You Started https://t.co/lCKDeDUicK @GearboxOfficial @tribesofmidgard #ad https://t.co/5Sb8OU4UQK
@mushWTF No worries, we hope to get that fix up soon so you can dive in 😊🙏
@mushWTF Hey! We're aware there are still some persisting matchmaking issues where worlds are not being filled. We're currently working on this and it should be fixed today. Thanks for your patience 🙏🙂
@SpicyOrangeLive @ItsJordyRae Not a silly question 😊 Everyone in the world receives the Hunter unlock.
@Heckorino Could I also ask what platform you're on? Thanks!
@Heckorino Hello, sorry to hear this! You can't see the "Abandon" option when you click on Matchmaking, correct? Passing this on and will get you an answer as soon as we can.
@iExnihilo Thank you so much, glad to hear you're loving it! 💙