

07 Sep


(PLAYSTATION) Veilbreaker: Hotfix #1

We are here with our first hotfix post-Veilbreaker launch! Before we dive into the list of changes and fixes below, a handful of important notes need to be covered first: 

1.  Veilbreaker Update Download Issues 

When Veilbreaker: Update 32 launched this morning some players experienced issues with the update downloading. This was a result of our network running a bit hot - but we have since resolved the issue and traffic has returned on consoles. We will continue to monitor any further  problematic activity. 

2. ...

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Veilbreaker: Hotfix 32.0.1

We are here with our first hotfix post-Veilbreaker launch! Before we dive into the list of changes and fixes below, a couple of important notes need to be covered first: 

1. Styanax Inbox Temporarily Disabled

We have had to temporarily disable the free Styanax Inbox message on all platforms, as we’re seeing reports of players getting ...

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1 minute ago, (PSN)detect-henlo said:

launcher download speed will go really slow and then say "some content updates cannot be downloaded from our servers"

Just now, (PSN)TwilightGrim said:

Got the download done on playstation but in game download is having trouble finding the server

Thank you! We're looking into it. 

Just now, (PSN)TwilightGrim said:

Update currently broken. 

Can you give  me more information please. 



Veilbreaker: Update 32 

Although The New War is largely over, Narmer’s enslavement of the Origin System continues. But who is in control of Narmer now? Many Grineer and others remain imprisoned and helpless under the crushing influence of the Narmer Veil.

Enter Kahl-175. Having survived his brush with the Sentients, and now free from their shackles, he emerges as the Origin System’s newest savior. Wield his explosive Grineer armaments as you race against time to rescue your Brothers from Narmer’s oppressive clutches. Battle Archons alongside your Squadmates, meet the 50th Warframe Styanax*, take on all-new Missions, bend time with the Protea Caladrius Collection, and much more! 

This update also has a heavy focus on Qualit...

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PSA: PC Minimum Supported Specs Changes Coming in 2023

In 2023 (specific date TBD), we will be changing our minimum specs to require the following CPU features: SSSE3, SSE4.1 and SSE4.2*. 

*Your CPU must support SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2. 

These are CPU-instructions that were first added to processors like the Intel i7 860 (Nehalem microarchitecture released in 2008) or the AMD FX-4170 (Bulldozer microarchitecture released 2011). As you can see, even computers that are a decade old support these features so you probably have nothing to worry about! 

If you’re still rocking a vintage machine that doesn’t support these instructions, you’ll soon start to see a warning in the Warframe launcher so you know it’s time for an upgrade. 

These changes will finally let the PC version of the game get optimizations we’ve had on the Xbox and PlayStation versions for years and will...

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17 Aug


(SWITCH) Khora Prime: Hotfix #2

Before we begin paving the way for our next major Update: Veilbreaker, we wanted to bring some additions to your Arsenal and a couple Quality of Life changes! The team will be Hotfixing where necessary in order to clear the path for Veilbreaker.




Ready your Arsenal for another incredible round of TennoGen creations! Check them out now via the in-game Market and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.

TennoGen Round 22 Part 2 to follow soon - stay tuned!


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(PLAYSTATION) Khora Prime: Hotfix #2

Before we begin paving the way for our next major Update: Veilbreaker, we wanted to bring some additions to your Arsenal and a couple Quality of Life changes! The team will be Hotfixing where necessary in order to clear the path for Veilbreaker.




Ready your Arsenal for another incredible round of TennoGen creations! Check them out now via the in-game Market and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.

TennoGen Round 22 Part 2 to follow soon - stay tuned!


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18 Jul


Hello Tenno!

We seem to have established stability again. The post-TennoCon skeleton crew is keeping an eye on further issues. We will continue to share updates where needed. 

As mentioned in the original post, once the team is back at full capacity we will let you know on next steps for the 2x Resource Booster. 

13 hours ago, LearnWarframeYT said:

@[DE]Saske Barro is still missing items and the Inaros Tomb Scene is priced at 1,750,000 credits instead of 175,000 credits
The missing items are so far:  

Wintercress Syandana

Lemnas Staff Skin

Deimos Carnis Prex

Deimos Kymaeros Prex

Deimos Velocipod Prex

Cutter Fighter Decoration

Kinda wondering what else is missing at this point.


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17 Jul



We are currently working with infrastructure partners to mitigate outages on our services which have caused unfortunate interruptions to the game, chat, and other services. The causes of these outages are outside of our control but we are actively working on resolving the problem. We will let you know when the interruptions are fully resolved. 

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. When we return to work, we will run an additional 2x Resource Booster window for a few hours. Please sit tight for news on that - we need to regroup first!

Thank you!

Mon, July 18th 3:40 PM ET Update: 

Hello Tenno!

We seem to have established stability again. The post-TennoCon skeleton crew is keeping an eye on further issues. We will continue to share updates where needed. 

As mentioned in the original post, once the team is back at full capacity we will let you know on next s...

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We are looking stable on all fronts now! Thank you all for your patience.


We're still riding the rollercoaster of stability (literally up and down with connection status) with the websites.  The team is still plugging away at it on it but understandably it has been a long day for them and we may have to rely on our temporary fixes for the time being. But for now, we keep investigating!


We are seeing some stability regained for both sites - still working away though!


Still navigating some choppy waters, Tenno! We were stable and then another flood happened that is affecting site stability. Working on it! 

16 Jul

1 minute ago, LeakingAmps said:

Soulframe's website is no longer not loading, but will now only load a black page.

Still working on it! It's fighting back

2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Soulframe gets stuck after solving the first puzzle for me. The Journey Onward arrow doesn't work.

Likely related to ongoing issues - hang tight! 


Connectivity issues in game seem to have been resolved! We are still watching closely for any other issues.


Website issues persist for both sites - we're still looking into it!


6:00 PM ET Update:
We're seeing traffic slowly return - we're continuing to investigate! 

6:01 PM ET Update: 

We are also aware that warframe.com is down and are looking into that. 

6:28 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating some lingering sign-in issues - hang tight Tenno! 

6:46 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating warframe.com and soulframe.com being down - thank you!