

02 Apr


Originally posted by Gabriel_Aurelius


She led the team that did S4.4, my favorite by FAR (yes, more than S4.5 because I played it WAY more). That tornado 🌪 is STILL the most unique thing in any map of the game. If I directed the game, she’d be my clutch senior leader.

Aw thank you so much!! <3

13 Dec


AHHH I love this so much. It's absolutely beautiful and makes me teary <3

23 Oct

27 Sep


Thank you for the report! We'll investigate what's going on.


As someone else posted, this is because the rainstorm in the area stopped :)

20 Sep


Huge shout outs to our lead writer, Samantha Wallschlaeger, and our Open World writer, Lily Yu, for not only being incredible devs to work with on a professional and personal level, but for truly elevating the writing of GW2 with this release. They had a direct and massive impact on making the dialog and storytelling in this release great by providing the narrative, editing and design teams with incredible work with every draft; this was honestly one of the smoothest development cycles I've experienced, and that is in no small part because of them.

It takes a village of people to wrangle the story. A lot of people had their hand in planning, designing and executing on this release, and after a billion meetings and iterations that included both of their invaluable input, along with the input of the all of GW2 writers and release designers, it often fell directly to Samantha and Lily to make the pieces fit together in as few words as possible.

Just wanted to make sur...

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What time did you try, and what issue did you run into?

19 Sep


This bug should be fixed in our next hotfix!


This bug will be fixed in the next hotfix, and we've made a permanent change to some of our processes internally to ensure this sort of thing gets caught on our end first.

I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the episode! I'm sorry this bug affected you. Players have been able to get around it by running to the right of the archways instead of along the green arrow.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Still happens as of right now.

This issue won't get fixed until our hotfix today.

18 Sep


Originally posted by Peachy88

I've tried running around the arrow and it did not work for me, I also tried waiting until Blish was done talking to move beyond that point and it keeps killing me. I spoke to a dev in game and they are on a hotfix. People who are stuck as bad as myself won't have to wait long.

Yep, I have a fix incoming, hopefully tomorrow morning!


Originally posted by 1xdk8n3YOp3p8JIF

Currently stuck in "Storm Tracking", the instance borders are killing me despite the minimap showing that I need to move that way. Really sucks, I'd rather not restart the instance but I'm running out of options. :/

Final edit: Got it to work, you need to wait for a few seconds before going in, if you go too fast you get killed, and if you go too slow you get killed. After the initial part it works out ok. Still a bug though, the minimap doesn't reflect what's actually happening.

I've tracked down the issue and we will have a fix out soon.

Currently if you go around the arches to the left or the right, it seems to not occur for players.


We're aware of the issue and tracking it down now. If you go around the arches to the left or right you can progress fine.


Originally posted by FalGame

thanks! that worked!

Yep, if you go around to the left or right you can get through! I'm investigating with an engineer to see what's going on! Thanks for your patience.


Originally posted by [deleted]

yup, being told to escape and as soon as i get to the arrow on the map its insta-death

Thank you both! I'm looking into this now.


Originally posted by 1xdk8n3YOp3p8JIF

Currently stuck in "Storm Tracking", the instance borders are killing me despite the minimap showing that I need to move that way. Really sucks, I'd rather not restart the instance but I'm running out of options. :/

Final edit: Got it to work, you need to wait for a few seconds before going in, if you go too fast you get killed, and if you go too slow you get killed. After the initial part it works out ok. Still a bug though, the minimap doesn't reflect what's actually happening.

When you say "going in", do you mean going towards where the arrows are pointing you?


Are you getting an error saying you're out of instance boundary?

07 Dec


Originally posted by Linuky

You may wonder how the Alehounds got hold of an airship. Well there was grog and the captain called for a raid. The next day the crew woke up, there was the airship.

(Actual dialog from the little fights happening in the battle free zone there)

YAY! I'm glad you found this dialog and that you like the silly backstories we came up with for the corsairs.

04 Dec


Originally posted by enyri

Well that puts a whole new spin on "The Bone Palace".

OMG I'm dying XD

30 Nov


Originally posted by choco-muffin

Step 8: Get disconnected and rollback with everything you've mined gone from inventory.

This issue has been fixed as of yesterday. If you're still seeing crashes while mining Brandstones, please let us know ASAP :)