

31 Jan


Annnd desktop background at work. I love this. :)

26 Jul


This made my day. :)

Sonic the Hedgehog was one of the first games I ever played. That game and its debug mode were the first steps in this whole path of games -> programming -> ArenaNet. Time to play the Sonic R soundtrack at work again. It's cheesy and I love it.

13 Jul


Can't agree enough with

Oh, and to all the artist out there: never stop doing amazing artwork! It inspires people in more ways that you can ever imagine!

All the wonderful art up on the walls in the office, and all the creative stuff community members make (art, music, videos, props, etc.), is a big part of why I like working here. Even though I'm over on the server/platform team, not directly working with any of that sort of thing. :)

23 Sep


Here's the current flow, which we'd like to fix when possible. It's a non-trivial problem.

  1. Get error 1083:5:7
  2. 1 minute wait.
  3. Now you can login again.

I'm connecting to work now to find out what the duration of that timer is. Will edit this post then.

Edit: It's a 1 minute wait.

11 Sep


The issue of needing to wait a little while to use a two-factor auth code should be resolved. Please let us know if you still have any time-based issues with two-factor auth.

Just in case, I'll also remind anyone who altered or removed two-factor auth from their GW2 account that if you want to re-enable it, you also have to reset/re-synchronize your mobile app's code for GW2.

03 Jul


This is being monitored and investigated.

There's possibility for as much as one more instance of this problem to happen per non-Obsidian Sanctum Mist War map, per tier in NA, if it happens before this Friday's reset. If this Friday's reset happens first, we should be in the clear until a permanent solution can be found.

22 May


I'm doing local tests for a change to 1-up/1-down on the other monitor now. No exact date, but we're aiming to send it toward Live and turn it on when it's ready.

26 Apr


Originally posted by Dlax8

Here are my thoughts as someone who plays WvW most of any game mode currently and has for the past year. WvW has a LOT of vocal minorities, and it is hard to get one communal opinion on what it needs. You can find the major threads through the community if you look hard enough and dilute the salt.

It requires playing almost exclusively WvW for a few good months . Play it all, roam, group up with a guild group (and actually run what they ask and try to help not hurt). Go hop into a massive blob, spend time building a keep up from T0-T3, tear down a T3 keep until it is swiss cheese then spend the next hour fighting to cap it (This is by far my favorite). You will learn a lot.

There are server identities, absolutely. and every server has their own flavor, as examples I will produce the 2 polar opposites of NA. Maguuma and Yaks Bend. I spent the better part of a year on Mag and have fought YB in every single tier since moving from Mag. Mag is extremely fight heavy and...

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Thanks for your thorough comment, Dlax8! I wanted to express gratitude for yourself and many others lately being and/or further raising awareness to one of the problems with changing WvW: multiple groups of players who want different things. Sometimes mutually exclusive things.

Even imagining an idealized world where we could take turns fulfilling the wishes of one of these groups with any given update, with N groups, any one group isn't going to be as pleased with N-1 updates we make. Since N > 2 any/all group(s) may, with most updates, feel like they're the only sane ones in a world where their favorite mode is "just getting worse" or is "out of touch".

It's impossible to make everyone happy at once whether we make changes or don't. But, we'll continue doing what we can, including the current work in response to the latest priority poll.

16 Sep


Originally posted by AnetChrisB

There is a problem, possibly related to the new changes involved with scoring the match's end by Victory Points instead of War Score.


More updates will be posted here:

The root cause of the bug is still being investigated. Until this can be fixed, scoring the end of the week’s round has been changed back to using accumulated War Score, instead of the new Victory Points.

We’ll have a fix for this as soon as possible, and will look into what will be done with affected Glicko ratings and EU’s current matchups. Until then, one thing that’s known is that not ranking the end of a round by Victory Points prevents this bugged behavior where a round ends, then ends again 5 minutes later.


There is a problem, possibly related to the new changes involved with scoring the match's end by Victory Points instead of War Score.


09 Sep


Originally posted by seganku

I've been getting this error for more than 20 minutes, while guildies are in WvW and EotM having the time of their lives. A client restart had no effect.

World vs. World is unavailable while matches are being updated. Please try again in a few minutes. (Code=1068:9:17:4740:101)


One source of this error message is when your client isn't in the build that's active for WvW. The error text doesn't communicate that possible cause well. In this case, WvW was still in 66,537, while some clients were in 66,577.

This has been fixed. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Is it intentional that US's PotM bonuses have reset? I wrote a thread on the forums before noticing this post and I feel like a bit of a dickhead :(

The display for PotM bonuses in the WvW dialog's second tab is incorrectly showing what bonus would be present with the War Score from only the current Skirmish.

The tooltip on the WvW button in the quicklaunch bar along the upper-left of your screen still shows the real PotM bonus you're currently receiving behind the scenes.


Originally posted by fishlock

Is there any reward for winning a skirmish?

Right now, skirmishes are in a first-phase test to see how they're received.

If skirmishes are liked and stay around, we expect to do more with them.


Originally posted by Despondent_in_WI

Is this removing the WvW-granted Artisan and Gatherer bonuses (which I believe was discussed previously)?

The WvW-granted "world bonus" buffs are still there right now, using the week-long War Score that's still being accumulated in the background.



Skirmish scoring will go into effect in about 15 minutes (near 18:00Z), with the EU reset.

NA players: while you’ll immediately see the new skirmish data in the WvW dialog, this week’s match will still have its end result scored in the old War Score-only style, ignoring Victory Points from skirmishes.

Sites that use our API for WvW will still display the “vanilla” War Score that accumulates over the week.

External link →

25 May


Originally posted by etiolatezed

Do all worlds need to be linked? Does Blackgate need linking? Honestly, Blackgate's population situation is its own entire problem.

Would it help population balance if certain t1 servers went unlinked and some of the other servers get a third link?

This is also something we might do. Especially in EU due to the difficulty of balancing linked worlds with language restrictions. World linking is pretty flexible, such that there could be any number of worlds linked together, all mixed with unlinked worlds as opponents.

24 May


Originally posted by BrunoBRS

i'm not sure if you guys already do it this way, but what if instead of flagging a world based on active WvW population, you flagged the players as "active WvW players" and then counted how many of those are in each server? that way if a bunch of guilds decide to bandwagon a server, they'd be stopped because the population calculator would instantly adapt to the surge of new players and flag the world as full without having to wait weeks for the transfers to count as active WvW players for the new server.

It does behave something like this already; though that wasn't clear from my wording. A player's past playtime is attributed to their currently-assigned home world for the purposes of world population levels.

This also brings up an interesting point: we actually don't want to stop a guild all moving together mid-move, if we can avoid stopping it. Stopping a guild mid-move would split their community, and then no-one would be happy. :(

Instead, we should ideally be ensuring bandwagoning is neither a simple and cost-effective solution to optimize rewards, nor an expensive necessity to get the kind of gameplay people want. So it's more about both reducing reason to mass-transfer, and reducing the total number of groups that mass-transfer. Rather than stopping one group's transfer.


Originally posted by KallorTesThesula

How do you estimate the activity level in the servers? If its by ppl logged to Border/EBG, you gonna get totally inaccurate numbers. There are too much things that force PVE players to go to WVW without actually participating in the game type. Things like:

-Battle Master (sell gift of battle needed for every legendary) - just place it in EotM or Mystic forge vendors

-Cheap trinkets/rings from laurel vendor (250 BoH + 20 laurels) - just place it in EotM or add this option in Tyria's laurel vendors

-Crafting Stations (many ppl come just to craft something so they don't have to run to the nearest city /loading screen skipping/) - remove them, wvw players rarely craft things

-Some ppl enter just to farm the nodes in the structures

-Jumping Puzzle (move to some place in the Shilverpeaks lol)

-Also those armor tracks/wvw or whatever they are called, just closed a few servers cause all the PVE players came to farm them and left after they go...

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By what we use to consider a player active in WvW for a given world for some period of time, none but your last item would qualify. For the last one, only that player can truly determine whether they're there to participate or farm.