

23 Sep


Originally posted by shinitakunai

Tirzah, are you back? O,o

Lol no, I guess I still have my flair on this account. Feel free to remove it mods! I'm a ghost ooooh~~

28 Feb

22 Feb


Thank you for the kind words. It means so much. Creating games is so much more than just a job for me. Interacting with you fine folks always brightened my day. :) /allthehugs

09 Oct


This is jawsome! Thanks for sharing :)

16 Oct


Originally posted by diruuo

I think /u/Anet_Tirzah mentioned somewhere that she puts a swinging boy and cats on every map she works on.

I also believe Josh Foreman includes this particular gold coin in maps he worked on.

I can confirm there is a swinging boy in three of the desert maps ;) He loves to travel!

06 Oct


Originally posted by Amiron

I can't believe no one mentioned the music. What a beautiful range of middle-eastern scores Path of Fire brought! Composers; what was your favorite track to create, and which one was your favorite listening to a live orchestra play it for the first time?

I can't remember the name off-hand but the piece with the epic choir singing (I think it plays in Highlands?) is definitely my favorite.


Originally posted by Supersting

But it's coming in LS4, yeah?

Choya vs. Joko


Originally posted by Revgos

As a player from Turkey , seeing Turkic names and seeing this response made me happy !

You live in a GORGEOUS area. :D Would love to visit someday!


Originally posted by windwarrior

As a fellow programmer, what is the strangest/funniest/weirdest bug you have ever created?

My favorite thing was we kept having issues with Awakened army sizes. Sometimes the mummies would be the size of minis and another day the Junundu general mummy lady was 20 feet tall!


Originally posted by -GrayMan-

What is one thing you guys wanted to add with Path of Fire but couldn't find the place or room to?

A Choya themed map with a Choya city and a Choya Emperor with a Choya army and...


Originally posted by Anet_Tirzah

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:

And we can't forget our amazing concept artists who supplied us with great fantastical ideas and color palettes too. :)


Originally posted by deathbotly

  1. The new maps look great, and I love them all dearly (I can't wait to try and 100% all of them once I get the jackal! ... I'm slow). Were there any especially important artistic inspirations that led to the designs we see?
  2. I've always been curious. I've never actually been in an MMO where you can just bump into them in-game, on reddit, etc. but I've frequently seen them in this game -- and well, obviously, here. Do you have any big limits on what you're allowed to do or say to the players?

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:


Originally posted by indigo121

Crystal desert team/story team: As a GW1 vet, I want to say thank you for the whole expansion. Its been amazing to revisit some of my favorite places in tyria, and to finally deal with plot threads established about a decade ago now. What were your favorite places to revisit and why?

Although Highlands was my favorite map to work on, the Desolation held a special place in my heart. My very first environment was one of the Junundu missions in Nightfall. So much sulfur!


Originally posted by biffpower3

When designing the new PoF maps, was there any conflict between the map design you wanted, and staying true to the GW1 maps?

I think you did a fantastic job with map design, and loved the nods to GW1.

Also - favourite weapon / armor skin in PoF?

There was definitely a balance act between keeping Gw1 locations as close to the original as possible, or where we could fudge the edges a bit to give the area a Gw2 upgrade. For example for the Crystal Desert(crystal oasis) we took more artistic liberties with the terrain to make it play and look better, especially with mounts. But for some other areas we wanted to keep it closer to original for nostalgia.


Originally posted by Chiorydax

Got a few here...

  • The PoF promotional artwork for Balthazar really reminds me of the Transfomers G1 Movie designs for Unicron and Wreck-Gar. Is there any chance someone pulled inspiration from those?

  • When Spoilers. Is that simply a design choice or should we be reading into that?

  • You guys did a great job making the maps fun and nostalgic, but is there any area you would have liked to develop even deeper if it had been possible?

  • I remember seeing the interview where you guys mentioned having a grand plan for GW2 in terms of the huge story steps. So I'm curious, how far back have you been specifically planning to make Balthazar the rogue god?


Read more

I would have loved to dive deeper into the Hidden City of Ahdashim or just build more Djinn cities/temples. I never tire of building magical floating cities xD


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm very glad to hear it, thank you :)


Originally posted by crimsonsun88

Who made the weather effects? They are really amazing! From the heat/haze effect to the rain showers in the Elon Riverlands; can we see these effects added to core Tyria maps? Running around old maps during a rain shower would be great.

It was something we've always wanted to do but didn't have time before. We wanted to add them into this expansion to give areas more moods from just day/night. You'll notice the rainstorm from the south of Riverlands will be on at the same time as the one in the north of Desolation too!


Originally posted by Kami_of_Water

Hey, I love you all and all of your work, thanks for everything! I still remember the wonder I felt 3-4 years ago when my mum (a secretary at the time for you guys, IIRC) showed me the game, and I feel like in the long run, GW2 has lived up to everything I dreamed and more. The new Scourge spec makes me really feel like I'm a Commander, or perhaps a tactician, sitting in the backline and pushing out barrier and conditions to help my allies in battle, and Deadeye really feels like the heavy-hitting sniper I always knew it could be.

So, I guess since this is an AMA I should ask you guys questions - and here are mine:

During development, did you ever get an idea while playing the game that found it's way into the game? For instance, "Oh, but what if X did Y," or "Hey, wouldn't this be a really cool thing to see in GW2?"

And then secondly, what was the absolutely flat out coolest thing that was either planned, or in development but ultimately had to be cut?


To respond to your last question: Amnoon was a lot larger initially but had to be downsized due to performance and to add more content to the other parts of the map. The noble quarter for example hadn't been devastated by a sandstorm!


Originally posted by Dinionis

I love the Amnoon Casino. I hope we see this type of content more times :D.

Thank you for this amazing expansion. Great story, great graphics, great events and meta events... You really did a great job <3.

Stay away from the high-stakes's rigged.