

30 Jul


Originally posted by kidmenot

I have the memory of a goldfish, but I honestly don't recall you guys announcing a new GO set in Greece. Might be wrong, but seeing how rumors spread and become truths, it's entirely possible someone takes datamines and makes it look like "DICE said we'll have X", when really all that means is "yes, it's in the files, but it won't happen if they don't explicitly announce it".

THIS. Lol.

There’s been a lot of rumors and “leaks” (datamining isn’t technically a leak since it’s in the files), but i honestly couldn’t remember if we had officially said anything about a new GO.


Originally posted by thegreatvortigaunt

Was the sarcastic tone really necessary?

Wasn’t being sarcastic. Legit asking if they had seen us officially mention it, as I didn’t believe we had (I know there’s some info that has been datamined - which doesn’t mean it’s actually coming to the game.


Originally posted by Dendari92

Hey /u/Braddock512, dunno if you can help but I've been missing some weapons skins for a while, contacted EA support but so far they're still missing. Is there anything I can do or are they gone forever?

EDIT: To clarify I'm missing skins parts for ranking up weapons or doing mastery/proficiency assignments, not skins rewarded with the ToW.

PM me your case number(s).

29 Jul


Originally posted by madmav

I feel crazy but thought it was mentioned to be a Grand Op as well, but now that I looked back I can only see - New Location: Battle for Greece in the original roadmap and no sign in the revised one.

So maybe it was misinterpreted.

Can't see it in the new roadmap!

Battle for Greece was basically the theme of the new maps. I can totally understand how that may have been misconstrued. (Don’t worry! I’ve asked the dev team about a Grand Op for Greece. We’ll see what they say.)


Originally posted by ReyvenXL

I didn't expect it to come out tomorrow with the new map i just thought it would make sense to have a new grand ops as there hasn't been one in awhile and both maps are based in greece

That’s totally fair - and I would love to see one focused on the Battle for Greece. I just don’t have any info right now that we can share.


Originally posted by phantasatron

What ever happened to the Tanker/Pilot customisation proposal thing you were doing?

Haven't heard anything back yet because focus is on the game working right now. Not being snarky - but it's critical that the game is running well, stability is continually improved, and the content we have promised comes out. I promise, I haven't forgotten.


Originally posted by 1MC_

Ok thanks for reply.

For sure.
Definitely something I deeply feel needs to be done - and I'll fight for it - but I gotta be honest, I don't make the decisions. *fingers crossed*


Originally posted by ReyvenXL

Is there a timeline for when the mercury marita grand ops comes out?

Have we officially mentioned a Grand Op for Marita and Mercury yet?
I don't recall that we have, so I don't have anything to share. Sorry!


Originally posted by 1MC_

/u/braddock512 I saw this on the forums quote: " I've escalated this (again) to our Marketplace team. I've told them it's imperative that we have the option to buy (AT DISCOUNT) the rest of the set if/when it hits the Armory.

As soon as I get any update - I'll let you know.


Any updates on the discounts on 1/3 2/3 epic sets. Also does this comment confirm the rest of the Cavalleria will be boins?

And I got to ask about the drip feed system you guys have be using for content. Honestly this game stagnates like no other. There seems to be no logic behind how you are releasing content.


As soon as I get any update - I'll let you know.

I don't have one. I send some messages/emails out, but haven't heard anything back yet. Sorry, mate.


We've got a new map coming this week - let's see what's on the calendar!

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Originally posted by dordoka

I'm gonna ask again: where can we send you the videos regarding this issue?


Originally posted by Eirik-E

This is good news as last update you mentioned that there were no current plans to change any of them. At least we've taken half a step towards the communities wishes.

From what I was told a few weeks ago - which may have changed - there are no plans at this time to change Assignments that are already live.
Now, when we have new weapons, they will look at the difficulty level of the Mastery assignments for those new weapons.


Originally posted by Marsupialism


When we official confirm a new Grand Op, we'll have more information on what it will entail.
There's nothing to share at this time.


If I had something to share then, I would've. I don't have anything I can share at this time.

u/PartWelsh is working on a blog (Letter from the Front) with some DICE Devs to provide more details and when Firestorm QoL will roll out and more.

27 Jul


Originally posted by FeedbackEcho

I always wonder why Devs happen to make something they don't like themselves.

I guess at some point the assignments got approved somehow and then there was no time to revision. Or they probably got approved just because there was no time left.

Not every Dev works on every part of BF, so personal preferences don’t come into play until it’s live.


To be fair, we requested videos showing occurrences as well as details about your setup and sound settings. Didn’t really get any. That doesn’t mean it’s not still being looked at, but the plethora of options (hardware and software settings) make it difficult. Moreover, sound is very much a perspective thing.

Personally, I’ve never had an issue hearing footsteps and have had a few hilarious accusations when I 180 and shoot the guy who was creeping around the outside of the building.

That doesn’t mean you’re not having an issue, but we need details/info and video to help identify the issues you’re facing.



Originally posted by dordoka

I'm gonna try again /u/braddock512, as you kindly have replied me about this in the past. What happened to the first item on the QoL Wiki about sound issues? Why did it just got silently deleted from there? Is the team still working on improving the sound issues? Thanks

They’re still looking into it, for sure, but it’s extremely subjective and not 100% reproducible on all platforms/setups. So it’s difficult to know how best to tweak it. It’s not forgotten, though.

26 Jul


Originally posted by Hyperzhi1

Sure, just seemed liked it would be in the plans since it followed the pattern of 2 maps from the same region

I'd love to see a Greek-focused Grand Op.The losers of the Op have to drink a bottle of Ouzo each.


Originally posted by AshySamurai

Maybe you also know if there were any updates on assignments?

Not at this time - but it is something a lot of the team are complaining about internally as well.
Especially the Mastery ones.