

30 Apr


Girani-Fa System and Treaty

Recent World Events brought to notice a minor confusion/contradiction between several lore articles and the status in game of the star system of Girani-Fa in the Genesis region.

  1. Girani-Fa is Amarr sovereignty in game, is not an FW system and appears to have been Amarr sovereignty throughout the life of the game.
  2. The Quafe chronicle describes a dispute with the neighboring Gallente Federation over the system that was resolved in terms of mining rights for the Gallente and mineral supply concessions for the Amarr. The ambiguous term “Gallente control” was used to describe the post-agreement situation in the chronicle.
  3. Girani-Fa and Girani-Fa Incident articles used language taken directly from the Quafe chronicle.
  4. Articles describing the history of the Amarr Empire and the Gallente Federation noted the system was formally Amarr-owned in YC95. They also explicitly noted Amarr sovereignty was main...
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A longstanding and deeply entangled contradiction concerning the location of the city of Mithuris on Matar recently came to light during the researches of the Minmatar Cartographical Society.


  1. Mithuris was mentioned as the home town of Karin Midular close to a crystal plateau (Ray of Matar story)
  2. Mithuris was mentioned as a location in the Coricia continent close to the “Crystal Steppe” (Matar article)
  3. Mithuris was mentioned as being located in the Mikramurka continent and again as home town of Karin Midular (Karin Midular article / Karin Midular funeral news)
  4. Mithuris mentioned as being in Coricia continent, attacked by Amarr and “seat of tribal assembly” (The Elders article)
  5. Conflicting mentions of Mithuris in Game World News articles

To resolve this contradiction and be equitable regarding the interwoven issue of “crystal plateaus” the following broad revision h...

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This thread will be used to note significant revisions and additions to the lore as they are made on and/or other locations containing lore and official CCP fiction.

06 Jun


I’m just going to say, to be very clear, that this is not a separation I recognise or see as an element of CCP’s game development. I was attempting to suggest this thread on the Invasion Chapter 3 feature FAQ continue to be about it and what touches on it specifically, rather than a general discussion of how lore is delivered in EVE.



All of this is inaccurate. CONCORD do not control all capsuleer cloning contracts. They don’t control all cloning facilities. They don’t even control all FTL comms infrastructure. Moreover, the implication that capsuleers require a fluid router chain between them and their cloning facility’s built in fluid router is not true. The Blackout wasn’t about clone personality transmission, it pertained to every other critical...

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04 Dec


Moved to EVE Lore Discussion - welcome :wink:

19 Aug


Broadly speaking, any capsuleer who was active before cloning and the capsule were linked together would have been able to convert over to cloned status. There is no general reason why a non-cloned capsule-rated pilot couldn’t do so. Indeed, CONCORD legislation mandated conversion to cloned status for all capsuleers and incorporated basic provision of this into the Yulai Convention.

The only significant impediments would be not having access to the resources to do so or having some physiological reason why the cloning process wouldn’t work for them. In general, the latter would be very rare for people already rated to pilot capsules and the former would depend on their legal status and who employed them.

Pre YC105*, capsule pilots would mostly have been in the militaries of the empires, but the pirate outfits, large space industrial corporations and various other NPC entities with significant presence in space travel would have had some capsuleers.

Not all NPC a...

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