Broadly speaking, any capsuleer who was active before cloning and the capsule were linked together would have been able to convert over to cloned status. There is no general reason why a non-cloned capsule-rated pilot couldn’t do so. Indeed, CONCORD legislation mandated conversion to cloned status for all capsuleers and incorporated basic provision of this into the Yulai Convention.
The only significant impediments would be not having access to the resources to do so or having some physiological reason why the cloning process wouldn’t work for them. In general, the latter would be very rare for people already rated to pilot capsules and the former would depend on their legal status and who employed them.
Pre YC105*, capsule pilots would mostly have been in the militaries of the empires, but the pirate outfits, large space industrial corporations and various other NPC entities with significant presence in space travel would have had some capsuleers.
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