

04 Mar


I guess it’s a question of phrasing, are you spending on what is considered to be a net negative or are you investing. If it’s investment you’d expect some kind of a return. I “invest” in games as a way to zone out and meditate for a while, and I think most people would agree that sports equipment is “investing in your health”.
On that note that’s probably one of the purest investing-by-proxy you can do as not investing in your health is very likely to be hurting your wallet in the form of doctor visits later in life. Stitch in time and all that.


If more than 3% of the player base would use it like last time, who knows? As always though; EVE is forever so it’s more likely than not that it might happen sometime between now and the year 3000 :robot:

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03 Mar


True, to be honest we’ve just been a bit swamped; the community team has been completely revamped in the last few months, both in terms of organization and structure, so we haven’t been as active on the forums as we would have wanted, but you will be seeing a change in that in the coming months.


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02 Mar


That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.


They were just really polite and quite like. during the actual interview they had paperbags over their heads instead of their helmets which was pretty funny. It was just a quick hi and bye.
Ian Anderson was … less nice.

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So full disclosure; I was working for a TV show called Kastljós in Iceland and Daft Punk came for an interview for their premiere of Electroma, the arthouse film that they had just done and was being shown at Reykjavik Film Festival. I was assistant producer, was basically just the dude who welcomed them in and got them coffee, but I shook hands with them and got all kindsa startruck.

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Well if a dev that has shaken hands with Basshunter and Daft Punk AND been threatened by Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull isn’t enough I guess I’ll just go back to catching up on what I missed on meme monday on Reddit brb.

24 Feb


It’s 10:40AM, why isn’t everyone?
Also we just had a 5.5 earthquake here in Iceland, who’s gonna sleep through that?


Hey Sam, thanks for letting us know. The issues are fixed for a lot of users but still rolling out for others. Sorry for the inconvenience, the bugs have been squashed but we have to be precarious with distribution of the pesticide but it’s coming.

22 Feb


The song they used for the announcement is such an underrated gem.


I’m not crying. it’s just raining really hard in this office.


I’m a simple man, I see anything from Be, I upvote/like/heart.

19 Feb


Electronica dub techno-esque


One thing here; I read the post and by dev I just automatically assumed you meant someone from community management / development. I blame it on lack of coffee.
If you’re referring to gameplay devs and software devs those that can be directly poked are most often on Twitter, else it’s poking us the community devs and ISDs to relay your message.

18 Feb


They never grow old,
they always stay new,
those three little words;
Please and thank you

ernest1000×562 77.9 KB


I see what you did there

17 Feb


Now you’re talking. I kind of wanted to write up a Moby Dick whale tale on the catch but haven’t had the time. Something like -

Call me Fleebix.
Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the Lower security part of New Eden. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly February in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time tozz get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ba...

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