

13 Aug


Hi folks!
A number of players have raised concerns about the proposed increase in warp disruption and scramble range in the Gamma Ray Storm. The intent behind this effect was to combine with the reduction in remote rep effectiveness to create bloodier fights by causing more players in group pvp engagements to be caught when disengaging. However some of you have raised solid points about the way this effect would reduce counterplay to scramblers and disruptors too much and may cause enough frustration to outweigh the benefits.
After some consideration we agree and we are adjusting the proposal for the Gamma Ray Storm.
The disruptor/scrambler range bonus has been replaced by a bonus to capacitor capacity.
Thanks to everyone who has passed along constructive feedback so far via this thread, by talking to the CSM, and through social media. We’ll keep reading your feedback and making more adjustments as necessary.

Check out the first two posts ...

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04 Aug


Hello folks! This post will contain details of the changes we’ve made to the plan thanks to your feedback and testing, as well as some answers to frequently asked questions.

Changes thanks to your feedback:

  • A number of players have raised concerns about the proposed increase in warp disruption and scramble range in the Gamma Ray Storm. The intent behind this effect was to combine with the reduction in remote rep effectiveness to create bloodier fights by causing more players in group pvp engagements to be caught when disengaging. However some of you have raised solid points about the way this effect would reduce counterplay to scramblers and disruptors too much and may cause enough frustration to outweigh the benefits.
    After some consideration we agree and we are adjusting the proposal for the Gamma Ray Storm.
    The disruptor/scrambler range bonus has been replaced by a bonus to capacitor capacity.
    Thanks to everyone...
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Hello folks! Today we are sharing some work-in-progress details of a new feature that is planned to arrive later this month: Metaliminal Storms.

The massive Triglavian invasion and stellar manipulation throughout empire space, along with heavy capsuleer use of abyssal and needlejack filaments, has begun to cause unexpected side effects at the periphery of the New Eden star cluster. Chaotic storms of abyssal energy have appeared in nullsec space and are slowly moving from system to system through the gate network. These storms affect capsuleer vessels in numerous ways, providing new challenges and opportunities for capsuleers across the nullsec frontiers.

These storms apply system effects (like the ones that can be currently found in the abyss, wormhole space, or incursions) to a cluster of systems stretching out from a central system.
Each storm will have a core of systems (the central system plus the systems one jump away) that contain the strongest system effect...

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12 Nov


Hi Oradric.
The issue you’re experiencing with being unable to shrink chat windows as far as you could previously is caused by a bug and we will be deploying a fix in the coming days. Sorry about the inconvenience.