

28 Jul


Originally posted by Ninoths

Going for that Karen GE, wish me luck !

Good luck!


Originally posted by PotablePotables

Thank you for making the dungeons so interesting this season!

You're welcome! Glad you're enjoying them this season. :)


Originally posted by nhubi

There is something I'm curious about in relation to Dungeon crusaders, at the moment we only have Tora but I assume there may be others in later seasons. Tora is not tagged as event, because they aren't, however non-event crusaders get gear from regular chests, it's been intimated the only way to get gear for Tora is via the dungeon shop, but given the non-event status of them would they eventually turn up in regular chests (2 weeks after the dungeon season closes perhaps?). I note that there was a weekend chest with Tora gear so there is a non-dungeon way to get gear. I've fully geared Tora but I was wondering if this would be the way it works for any future dungeon crusaders.

The Dungeon FAQ does have all the information about the Dungeon Crusaders and how they'll be geared.

Their personal chests, the random dungeon Crusader recipe option, or the occasional weekend buff chest.

I'm actually planning on adding a dungeon crusader tag when we add the second dungeon Crusader with season 5.

Thanks for flagging that we should probably update the tooltip for normal Jeweled chests. :D


Originally posted by QuinGood

Hi Erika

I love the weekly Q & A!

Hi QuinGood,

That's so cool. I'm glad you like them. :)


Originally posted by Flaredplague24

Here for the raffle but any hints on what the QOL updates are?

Rune-related ones: fast merging and a couple new filter options players were asking for, plus we updated the skin store with event skins up to Queen Ysorjgnak now, if you haven't completed any of those event objectives.


Originally posted by Macicallejero

im here for the raffle, i love the game ty Erika and the team

Thank you! We're glad to hear you're enjoying Crusaders. :)


Originally posted by easjo682

Is it just me or do hot keys no longer work? (in particular (G) to switch on/off the auto next area)

If the game is focused on the in-game chat, that can prevent the hot keys from working in the main game itself.

You can try closing and reopening chat, if clicking on the monsters doesn't bring the focus back to the main game area.


Originally posted by Akari2084

Congratulations on your 6th anniversary and thanks for the code. Do you think it will be possible to complete all the missions at once instead than clicking each time?

You're welcome for the chests. :)

Completing all missions of one type is still something I would like to see added. Thanks for the nudge!


Originally posted by TGMook

Raffle entry!



Originally posted by notacreativeone1

Y'all know why Im here.

Thank you for stopping by. :)


Originally posted by harjc89

Thanks for Code, I echo the thoughts of PrizeCare7043 - with the new crusaders its great they have increased base abilities and gear/recipes further enhance these but what is the point of the vast array of crusaders besides ticking off the odd formation based event achievement and the additional gear / skins / recipes which scale talents.
What about a talent that improved the power of gear relative to the crusader slot akin to the Bonus Training talent to help try and balance the powers?

You're welcome for the code. :)

The other Crusaders do help complete some objectives still, so they're not totally unusable, but I'll add the vote for improving them.


Originally posted by Digawen

I wish you all the best for your 6th birthday and hope that we will all have fun together for at least as long and longer.

Can we have an input field to select the area?

Thank you! I'll pass it along to the team.

Given players are seeing so many areas these days, it does make sense, and it has come up as a request before. I'll add your vote to the item to be able to specify the unlocked area you want to go to.


Originally posted by the1red

Hello, thanks for the chance!

You're welcome. :)


Originally posted by yamamaru

Well, Hello there!



Originally posted by Otkrove


Thank you :)


Originally posted by Plushkin26




Originally posted by Nasitrapkrad

Some casual raffle comment

So casual.


Originally posted by whydyoulietomezorak

Hey Erika, been playing for a few years. I'm not entirely sure if I'm crazy, but I seem to remember idol and ruby missions telling you how many were awarded when the mission completed. It would be really nice to have (again) especially since some of the runes can effect the amount received.

Thank you for the chest codes and all the hard work you guys put into my favorite game!

Hmm, if you were playing on mobile, it might have listed the exact reward of the missions on the mission screen. I know it at least showed the bonus gold for the gold missions if you have the Every Last Cent talent.

The rewards are listed on the mission itself, just not the complete dialog, and the full rewards should be shown in the play history entry after completing the mission.

I'll add it to the request list to see the rewards like you see EP being awarded on completing them though.


Originally posted by jetwbt

Hi Erika,

Thank you for the chests. I'd like to see a talent to optimize the formation currently on the screen.

Hi jetwbt,

You're welcome for the chests. :)

Something that makes your formation for you isn't something we'd be likely to add, but I'll note down it was requested.


Originally posted by Croq360

Congratulations to the entire team at Codename Entertainment on the 6th anniversary of Crusaders of the Lost Idols!

Cheers Croq, I'll pass it along to the team. :D