

18 Feb


Originally posted by pareid

Hi Erika! I'm really liking the look of the big rewards in The Waterways. I don't mean to be pushy seeing as you just released them, but when can we expect the next batch of 5th rune slots and will there be any on high-tier crusaders? Thanks!

Hi pareid,

Glad you're enjoying the rewards.

I've got the runes planned to drop in batches, based on Crusader ID, over the course of the season, and I plan to be done shortly before the end of the season, so soon for another batch. :)


Originally posted by VerbingWeirdsLang

Thanks for the chests. Hope you had a nice holiday.

Rosoideae is probably the tankiest tank so far! It reminds me of Plasmus from Teen Titans but cuter and less slimy.

You're welcome for the chests.

Monday was a good day. I spent it finishing up Rhythm of War by Sanderson finally.

I will let Kat know. It's very cool to see where Demon and Flora tag suggestions led her. :)


Originally posted by Halaberd85


can we please get some additional uses for the Dungeon Vouchers? if you've been playing long enough to have all epics they're pretty much worthless.

the option to get something else with them would be great.

Hi Halaberd85,

Well, the chests are a good source of trinkets and possibly legendary catalysts and time warps, but I'll note down the request.


Originally posted by webelee

Additional question to this. I passed the mission and got the geode but cannot use it. Is it something we are just supposed to hold on to for a while? I there an official 5th slot opening day to wait for?

Only the base 20 Crusaders have 5th slot runes at this time.

The rest of the Crusaders will get theirs in batches over the season.


Originally posted by Global-Quantity3849

Credit where credit is due, this Dungeon is great this time, it won't be so arduous to complete and the pass rewards are so much better. Thanks for listening to our concerns, this Dungeon will be a lot more fun :)

Oh cool. We're glad to hear it, and I'll definitely let the team know. :)

17 Feb


Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Guess I don't see it...his upgrades are

Lightening rod, Lightening bolted, Forked Lightening, Godly healing, Lightening Ore, Storm Rider and Electro.

Please help this confused player. Thx

Treaties is the name of the Legendary effect from Thalia's Legendary Orb item.

Leveling his rune will change the amount visible in the Treaties tooltip when hovering Thalia in the formation, and the description of the legendary effect on the Orb itself.


Originally posted by Azar-yah

No questions - just thanks for dungeons! Yee-haw!

You're welcome. I'm glad they're finally out. :D


Originally posted by BlueLandru

w/ 5th runies slots i guess its more important than ever to hepl us memery challenged ppls by posty the 'name' of the epics on the epic card so i an figure out whats trying to effect so i dont have to stop everything and put the sader into a form and stare at it for a few minutes... that is, if the game is being generouse to show me the effect, (or will it hide in the "4 more available") and i might never know

So that would be in relation to the runes that buff certain Legendary effects?


Originally posted by apr1764x

Hi, Erika. Thanks for the chests. Can we get some additional scaling options: x0.50 and x0.75? Can the scaling option be remembered so we don't have to select it each time we restart the game?

We can't have the game remember the scaling unfortunately, as it makes a large majority of players unable to load the game if we try to set Adobe Air to load your setting.

I'll make a note for possibly adding more scaling options, though if we go smaller than 0.85, the game text won't be readable.


Originally posted by appyleaguefan

Greetings Erika,

Thank you for the chests. I do not see this mentioned yet, but after all this just launched if I go to level up my crusaders individually the screen stays running on that area of my mission and the increase is not shown. I have to exit out and restart to get it to run correct again. If I use the level up for all crusaders all works fine just not for the individual leveling up. Slight glitch. Have a great evening!

Hi appyleaguefan,

I believe if you reload again, that should be fixed. If not, the fix will be out shortly.



Originally posted by xyzzex

when we will get sprint to challenges?

we need more speeders under various tags since many are so slow.

I don't see us adding pure Sprint to challenges, since they are meant to be challenging, but I do have a couple idea for making challenges quicker.

We'll keep the request for more Speed Crusaders with varied tags in mind.


Originally posted by AMQ_

Slightly different topic than the new dungeon thank you - chat's almost full again.... only a few slots in room 2 and no new room opened. Any way we can get room 3 back? Please? :)

Until we do a launcher update to improve chat, a new room only shows up once the others are full.


Originally posted by 50phie


Thank you for the code (hope to get good stuff)

I appreciate the changes so that we can now see crusader information.

Any chance we will soon see some improvement to the chat window? Alphabetizing names, bigger space to view text while writing, time chat is posted, etc.

Hi 50phie,

You're welcome for the code.

Yeah, the hero panel is cool, since you can now hover tags on it to know what the tag means, in addition to accessing Runes quicker.

We are planning an update to the launcher with some chat improvements within the next few months.


Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Hi, Erika. Thanks for the chests.

Since dungeons are out, I'm definitely going to be focused on that for a good while. Still want to remind about my earlier suggestion for more options for players outside of dungeons/between seasons, the Objective Challenges. Just to make sure that got on your list. Would hope to see something by the end of S3, whether it's that or something else, so that I can continue to be engaged even while waiting for S4. Thankfully that's off in the distance a bit though, I'll enjoy the dungeons in the meantime.

Hi DoctorNovakaine,

You're welcome for the chests.

The season 3 and 4 break is definitely on my mind, if there is a break (I'm hoping for not.) But I did like your challenge idea and something like it is on my radar.


Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Question on the 5th Rune Slot.

  1. For Thalia - it has two levels. One is to increase the lightening Ore (ok, I get it). The one right below it states to increase his "Treaties." What is this?
  2. Most of us have upgraded runes and want to put in the 5th slot at a higher level than 1. Now being required to obtain the Geode, will this allow us to put in a higher rune or will be need to upgrade the Geodes as well?

Meaning if we have a level 5 rune, will we need one Geode or will we need a level 5 Geode?

1) Some Crusaders get a buff to one upgrade, some get a buff to multiple upgrades. It splits in two for Thalia as one is an upgrade and one is from his Legendary item.

2) You only require the Geode to unlock the 5th slot. Once you've unlocked the slot, you just add and level Runes in them as normal.


Originally posted by Armyegg11

What if there was a Crusader in the ruby exchange that you could get for rubies?

Unlocking a Crusader from the Ruby Exchange could be something we add at a future date, but not something we're currently contemplating. We'll keep the idea in mind though. :)


Originally posted by MaslowB

Why do some dungeon objectives have a golden background?

Those are the ones with buffs, to make them more enticing and to make you rotate through the dungeon objectives, rather than just sticking to the same one all the time.

We did update the Dungeon FAQ to explain the highlighted objectives as well.


Originally posted by AMQ_

Thanks Erika - so only from missions and dungeon pass rewards then?

At this time, yes.


Originally posted by D-J-Casper

Hi, Erika, I hope that you're all well.

The other day, someone asked about the Yogscast Achievement, and I would like to suggest some changes, inspired by what was asked, and my answers.

1: The Recruit Achievements, for these particular ones need a Ticket.

Can it be changed that you get the Achievement, as soon as you recruit the Crusader, even from the Mission? This would be "a General Fix", instead of "Event Crusader Specific", to cover them all.

2: In relation to the Currency ones, could everyone just be given the Achievements, remove them, either for those that don't have them completed. or just remove them, for everyone.

3: Can I also repeat my suggestion that the chances of getting a Mission for a Crusader that will be in an Event that will be reoccurring soon be looked at? Maybe set it so that a week before the Event starts, said Event's Crusaders are removed, from the Recruit Pool.

Hi DJCasper,

We're doing well, thank you. I hope you are too.

1) I don't give the Yogscast achievements if players put in a ticket. Only players who were around for the event when it was run will have the recruit achievements marked as completed.

It may be worth overhauling the recruit achievements to check for an owned Crusader versus the objective complete, but since most of the events run again, it's not been a priority change compared to other fixes or updates.

2) I'll note the request for the Yogscast currency achievement.

3) I'll note the vote for this as well.
