

26 Jan


Originally posted by Cassius335

Hey Erika,

I know Kat doesn't like gender swaps, but an Incubus skin for Sally would be in-character for a seductive demon (and hey, if Alacrity gets to switch between three options, a male skin for Sally can't be unfair, right?). Might mean gender-swapping certain of her effects, though (Seduction, Jealousy, her Whip)

As for the new mystery Crusaders upgrades, we're overdue a new clicker, but an upgrade that boosts familiars click damage (perhaps by +100% per familiar in play, multiplicative? ) might suffice.

Hi Cassius,

Skin for Sally, noted.

A new clicker Crusader eh? Sure, we can try again.

So you want taskmasters to be able to compete with, or overtake, projectiles in a sense? Because taskmasters already click 6 times per second with your click damage amount, and they do crit as well.


Originally posted by 50phie

Double and Triple Ditto to what Hari said.

However, the stand alone is not working that well for me. But... it's working.

Improvements to the launcher chat, noted.

The stand-alone works in mysterious ways, and depends heavily on how much CPU and RAM you have, as well as the age of your CPU, and if you're using auto-clickers at all.


Originally posted by jazelock

Hi, sorry if this is overstepping, but I was just curious if there are any plans to change the two Yogscast crusaders in any way, given the misconduct allegations that led to the removal of these exact two members from the Yogscast IRL.

Hi jazelock,

We aren't currently planning on changing any of the Yogscast crusaders.


Originally posted by Gagaking1

Will it ever be possible to fuse multiple sets of runes at once?

For example, if you have 30 level 1 star (soul) runes, can you make 10 (or 15!) level 2 soul runes in one go instead of having to drag the level 1 rune to the merge button 10 times?

If you have a lot of level 1 and 2 runes, it can be a bit tedious when you want to make level 5 runes or above.

Yeah, we'd like to add a way to speed up the crafting of low-level Runes. Thanks for the poke!


Originally posted by SpareLiver

A Katie skin that replaces the Angel tag with something (maybe human?) would be pretty funny. I'd say hold off the Rocky skin for when (if) you start doing skins which do something more complicated than just changing tags because his would need to give a significant boost.

A Human Katie could be neat.

Yeah, poor Rocky, the butt of a lot of jokes.We'll definitely keep that idea in mind for when skins have effects.


Originally posted by 100beep

1.) Can CarPet get a level rune? It would be good for Power of Two. Ignore this if you're customizing runes to fit each crusader.

2.) My vote for the skin is Alacrity. They're the only one that mid-high level players use.

3.) When can we expect T4 11th for Mugwarts, and/or a new campaign?

1) The 5th slots runes will be custom to each Crusader. We'll keep the request to have Power of Two buffed on Carmen and Petunia.

2) Alacrity skin, noted.

3) Once season 3 is out, some more objectives for the permanent campaigns is on the list of tasks.


Originally posted by harimau2

Hi Erika,

Great that the game survived the killing of Flash.

As the stand alone app works fine now Kevin will maybe have some time to improve the chat. Being used to the Kongregate chat there are some improvements possible to make it working.

Some suggestions:

— The player box is unnecessary long, 11 names could shrink to 5 or 7.

— The player’s names, please list them alphabetically.

— Make it possible to make players friends who then are listed first.

— Possibly enable private whispers to other players.

— Have text from players start with a local time stamp, it’s not inviting to react to a message if you don’t know how long ago it was posted.

— Can the announcements get a toggle in options? Not everyone is happy with the pop-ups that someone you prob don’t know got an epic hat for Squiggles. I know it’s mutable, still…

— Thanks for the mute function.

— The text entry field could use some more ...

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Hi harimau2,

Yeah, it's doing OK so far after the death of Flash.

We would like to make some improvements to the launcher chat system, and we'll keep your suggestions in mind, though things like whispers and friending players are probably not going to happen.


Originally posted by fareider

Skin for Sally

Oooh, thanks for the vote!


Originally posted by Stormcrow-69

Thinks for the chest, my skin vote goes to Alacrity.

You're welcome for the chest.

Alacrity vote noted. :)


Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin today, I hope you are safe wherever you are, and that you are in a position to take care of yourselves during this time of change.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols and Community Manager for Codename Entertainment, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back th...

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25 Jan


You can't switch accounts once you've linked them through the in-game Option.

The only way to switch accounts would be to have multiple log-ins with Steam or our Codename Games website, and log in as a different user when you want to play the other progress.

21 Jan


Originally posted by towerarmor12

Hi Erika,

now during this weeks challenge I thought it would be great to have some sort of counter that indicates at which area you would gain the next challenge token. Something like "Next token at area XXX" or "X more areas for the next token". I guess it could be merged with the challenge icon that shows how many challenge tokens you have already reached in the current run or placed below it.

It's nothing super urgent but it would be a nice feature that makes it easier to estimate if it would be worth it to push to one more token or not.

Hi towerarmor12,

Wanting to see the next challenge token is totally understandable. I'll add your vote to the item on the suggestion list and we'll see what happens.


Originally posted by BazzTurd


Yeah I know a bit late, but hope you still look and might answer.

Now that we are going towards season 3 of the clocktower, I was wondering.

Do you have any thoughts about rerunning the different towers or will we see new ones?

If yes, how often do you think you may rerun them, will it be random like challenges?

Thinking that some people who slowly gain more idols, would like a chance of getting the achievements to reach level 25 in the crypt, as they may get the DPS/speed to be able to get to 25 in the clocktowers at a later date.

Hi Bazzturd,

Once we've released 4 seasons, the themes will repeat.

Our current plan is that we'll have new season completion achievements for seasons 5 and onward, with the originals being hidden if a player didn't earn them.


Welcome back, colouring fans!

We've released our latest colouring sheet, featuring the Tier 6 Crusader from the Princess' Pool Party event, Ursula the Busy Bee! You can download or print a copy from our media section!

If we get 50 coloured sheets shared at us on our Twitter with the hash tags #lostidolscolouring and #ursulasflowers or shared here on reddit by Wednesday, January 27th, 2020 at 4pm (16:00) Pacific Time (UTC-8), then we'll release a code for a 7 day long 400% Gold Find buff redeemable...

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20 Jan


Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Hi, Erika. Thanks for the chests.

Can you provide any insights into what changes are planned for Season 3 of dungeons, if any?

Also, how many Crusaders will be getting 5th runes this time around?

Last thing: The "mission doubler" runes feel incredibly underpowered. Even at level 15 it only amounts to a 3.75% chance, or 3/80. That's ridiculously slim for a rune that takes so much effort and so many resources to get. I'd like to propose that they get a buff in the following manner:

Level 1: .25%

Level 2: .5%

Level 3: 1%

Level 4: 2%

Level 5: 4%

Level 6-14: 2% gain per level, with 14 being 22%

Level 15: 25%

I think that sort of gain would be commensurate with the investment of runes and catalysts.

Hi DoctorNovakaine,

You're welcome for the chests.

Not many changes planned for season 3, other than better rewards.

As many Crusaders as we have time for by the time we want to release season 3.

I'll note down the request for a change to the mission doubler rune, and we'll see what happens.


Originally posted by Azar-yah

Mission screen has been target for changes for years now. Here's one that may be simple - just make it fill the whole screen (we really don't need to see the sliver of laggy battle screen around the fringes) and give us two rows of crusaders along the bottom.

A teensy bit of rescaling of the portraits and/or the highlighted mission area might give us twenty portraits per page - vastly reducing the amount of scrolling required for every mission.

We'll keep that in mind.


Originally posted by fixingcars

Good afternoon and thanks for the chests.

I was looking at my achievement in progress and had a thought. I'm only about 3/4 of the way through Mission Impossible. Considering that I have been playing for several years now-along with many other folks. I would assume no one has completed that one yet. The reward for completing that achievement is going to be a 5% increase in DPS. Any thoughts to bumping this up? I mean the rewards for the dungeon achievements I thought were pretty generous. Mission Impossible is truly going to be a momentous achievement, it would seem that the reward for completing it isn't matching up with other rewards coming out in the game now. Just a thought. I would think it should be 100% DPS buff or possibly more for the reward of longevity to achieve it.

You're welcome for the chests.

Mission Impossible, as denoted by the name, was put in as a joke by Justin, since it did seem impossible at the time. So it only awards 5% on completion, like the joke on Domo Arigato for clicking 1 million times and it only awards 1% versus the previous clicking achievements giving higher amounts.

Changing the value isn't something that was in our plans, but I'll note down the request.


Originally posted by IBCitizen

Hi Erika. Thanks for the codes and all the hard work. Two things/requests.

(1) Would it be possible to change the wording on the Sprint related talents from "Increases maximum sprint [by] X" to "increases maximum sprint [to] X?" As is, it's a bit unclear where our max sprint is at.

(2) Are there any plans for us to be able to sort crusaders by tag when choosing them for missions? Right now, selecting crusaders is a bit of a slog w/out one

Hi IBCitizen,

You're welcome for the code.

1) The original Sprint talent in Tier 4 has your max Sprint area. The additional talents are increasing that number as you buy them, and completing From the Ashes also changes the value seen in that Talent. The Sprint icon in the buff list also tells you how many areas you can sprint. But we can look at adding your max Sprint area in more places.

2) It's one of the requests for when we've got time to change the mission screen layout. I'll add your vote.


Originally posted by Morigan_taltos


Does your password contain any special characters that aren't just plain, non-accented letters or numbers? That can cause it not to log in to the launcher.


Are you using your Codename Games account information to log in?