

08 Feb


Originally posted by eaSyRoca

On The topic of raids:

I haven't gotten to play the new Raid myself yet unfortunately, but it seems like the new raids bosses aren't terribly hard in normal mode (the last one seems to be tough but the first three were cleared rather quickly).

However, they all have a Challenge Mote. Is your approach to raids leaning towards making the normal encounters reasonably easy (in order to make them clearable for the less hardcore part of the PvE community), while adding challenge motes to, well, make it challenging for the hardcore players? If yes, are these Challenge Motes rewarding enaugh to make them interesting enaugh to do regularly?

The Challenge Mote on KC looked like a cool idea at first, but ended up being a "once for completion" kinda thing, so I'm wondering if that will be different for BotP.

BotP follows the same model of the Challenge Mote on KC. It's a "once for completion" kinda thing, but we spent a lot more time examining how we wanted to do them for this release. We liked the Challenge Mote for KC, but felt that we could improve on that. There are more noticeable changes for the Challenge Motes in this release like new mechanics to solve.


Originally posted by CreeperVemon

A question for the raid team: Do you play/research other MMOs raids to get idea for mechanics that would work in GW2?

Pretty much everyone on the raids team has raided at some point in time in other games. And really, you can get ideas from anything, not just specifically raid content. Sometimes all you need is more of a feeling or vibe you're trying to get and then you can build a mechanic from that.


Originally posted by mrfaceroll

On the topic of raids; are there any plans for practice versions of any sort? I've personally not raided but may be soon with some guildies, but I know a huge number of people who want to raid but just can't get easy access due to lack of experience and find it difficut to find teachers. There are many mentors out there, yes, but they can't help everyone and I feel an in-game method would help.

For example; WoW has a "pug" group version of raids with reduced rewards but is easier because pugs typically lack as much coordination as a dedicated team.

We don't have any plans for that at this time.

17 Jan


Originally posted by Lon-ami

Are those 4 bosses linear? As in, beat boss 1 to beat boss 2 to beat boss 3 to beat boss 4, or do we have some branching? Would be cool and make it easier to play what you want without crying for openers.

It's still 10-man too, I guess?

For the next one yes, it's linear.


Originally posted by El_Barto_227

But did you fix the bug where the imbued mushrooms are always eaten just as I happen to use Epidemic?

Not a bug, by design.