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We introduce new maps every Major Update.
What is a "real jungle"?
Originally posted by Iceman51326:... Read moreOriginally posted by CyberStonka:
Upload on steam as artwork (you can mark as "unlisted"), then just copy-paste link here.
here is the link
Originally posted by Iceman51326: how do i send a screen shot so i can show my battles?
Originally posted by Desutroyer: I don't have hard evidence, currently it's just a hypothesis based on my personal experience playing mostly 9.3-9.7 ground realistic battles, which is why I am asking this question.No. Premium vehicles operate on same level as any other vehicle in game. All they give is more SL/RP and sometimes some specific mechanics (we have a lot of event/premium ground vehicles with ungieded rocket launchers for example).
Originally posted by Iceman51326: today when i was playing wt i got vietnam 3 times in a row. and after getting a diff map i again got vietnam map. Is smth wrong today?Hi
Originally posted by Voroshy: why did the graphic settings get reset? now i can't remember how i had it now, stop doing thaaaaaat :fcp_yena:We do not reset graphic settings.
Originally posted by MR.J: is normal to play rating 9.3 and face 11.7 ?It's not possible to face 11.7 if your max BR is 9.3 in regular game modes.
Originally posted by Pure ownage: Have the firing rate been decreased on the 40mm AA guns?Dunno what do you mean by "old times", but I asked dev team - no such changes recently.
Like Bofors and lvakan on lvtdgd m/40 and CCKW 353 AA.
It just feels like trying to shoot planes with a howitzer.
Been looking up old WT videos on Youtube and in my opinion the fire rate was much faster in good old times.(yes, i know crew level plays a role here too)
Originally posted by az-317: 每次开始游戏,都报错,并且每次报错的错误码都不同,有什么解决问题吗?Each error means something, please check our support page (type error number in search section).
Originally posted by danidew: As the title says I cannot see my friend's marketplace skins, I do have the decal and skin visibility set to any so I don't know what could be causing it, any help is appreciatedYou can try this:
Originally posted by HubbaGubba / Offline: Yeah, bit hard to hold back or not tell them off if they grief you for a decal in the game for almost the whole period of the game. But yes, thanks.Well, be smarter than them :) They will get the punishment, you will not get it
Originally posted by HubbaGubba / Offline: Session ID 40c367d00201042.If you think that someone is breaking game rules (by comments in chat or behaviour in battle), please use in game complain system or replay system to report such behaviour.
Bros wasted all the game ramming me and other teammates with ukraine flags. Where can I report this to make sure they get punished?
Originally posted by ☭Z☭ GIVI SOMALI ☭Z☭: Can someone explain me why we can't see enemy view in replays of match? Or i'm doing something wrong. i talk about air rb.You are using client replays (local replays stored on your hard drive).